Design Standards and Public Liability
For years in California, a defense to a negligence action was contributory negligence. This was replaced in 1975 by comparative negligence, which the paper discusses. It then goes on to...

The High-Tech Civils
Computers are entering virtually every aspect of our lives. Two civil engineers are easing the way computers enter the life of the engineer. Charles Miller, president of CLM/Systems, Orlando,...

Design of Structures to Resist Nuclear Weapons Effects
This manual provides guidance to engineers engaged in designing facilities intended to resist nuclear weapons effects. Although emphasis is placed on blast-resistant design, other effects...

Advances in Underground Pipeline Engineering
The field of underground pipeline engineering has undergone a rapid growth during the last two decades. The analysis, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of underground pipelines...

Probabilistic Basis for Design Criteria in Reinforced Concrete
This collection of papers presents the results of research on the variability of reinforced concrete members carried out at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, during the period...

Reducing Failures of Engineered Facilities
One of the most serious problems of modern professional practice is the collapse or malfunction of an engineered facility. The tragic consequences of this problem are all too familiar...

Vibration Problems in Geotechnical Engineering
This volume constitutes the Proceedings of a two-session Symposium whose main objective is to address geotechnical issues related to vibration problems other than those associated with...

Uplift Behavior of Anchor Foundations in Soil
This publication includes a series of studies which provide a general and consistent framework for the design of anchors in uplift. The papers are presented in three groups: (1) State-of-the-art...

Managing Computers
The papers in this book address the impacts of computers on the organization, the individual, and project management. On the organizational level, topics include managing the introduction...

Concrete Face Rockfill Dams?Design, Construction, and Performance
Concrete face rockfill dams are being used with greater frequency and to greater heights in the last decade. The developments leading to this progress are many and are addressed in the...

Structural Design, Cementitious Products, and Case Histories
The papers in this book represent deverse topics in structural engineering. In design of beam-columns by the AISC interaction equations, it is demonstrated that an inadequacy exists when...

Seismic Experience Data?Nuclear and Other Plants
The Seismic Qualification Utilities Group (SQUG) was formed to explore the use of earthquake experience data of equipment performance to resolve Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) initiated...

Stormwater Detention Outlet Control Structures
The Hydraulics Division's Task Committee for the Design of Stormwater Detention Outlet Control Structures was formed to review and report on the state-of-the-art of stormwater...

Current Research and Research Needs in Deep Foundations
This report summarizes the current range of research on deep foundations now being performed in the United States. The report is divided into two main sections: (1) Current research or...

Putting CADD to Work
Case histories show that engineering with CADD is no longer experimental. Projects reviewed in this article include an office/shop building for an electrical utility, a flood plain site...

Accounting for CADD Center Costs
The purpose of developing a CADD cost center is to segregate all costs related to the CADD operation so that you may receive fair compensation for CADD usage and to ensure fair charges...

Effective Communications in Highway Safety Programs
The problem of creating a safe environment for the users of our highway system has been with us almost since the invention of the motor vehicle. Generally accepted throughout the field...

Human Factors: The Problem with the Problem
Human behavior in the highway transportation system is prone to error and has basic limitations. It is modifiable within those basic limits. Most often we focus attention on the behavior...

Highway Safety Design Communications
This paper gives an examination of problems and prospects of incorporating more current highway safety knowledge into the design process through promising communication linkages between...

San Francisco Outfall: The Champ?
The Southwest Ocean Outfall, with an overall length of 23,400 ft and capacity of 450 mgd, will be major element of the Clean Water Program of the City and County of San Francisco. Offshore,...





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