Groundwater Management
This proceedings,
Innovative Technologies for Site Remediation and Hazardous Waste Management
This proceedings,
Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
This proceedings contains papers presented at the Fourth U.S. Conference on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering held in San Francisco, CA, August 10-12, 1995. The conference was organized...
Northridge Earthquake
Lifeline Performance and Post-Earthquake Response
This monograph describes the earthquake performance, emergency response, and recovery for the following lifeline systems: electric power, water, wastewater communications, roads and bridges,...
Seismic Design Guide for Natural Gas Distributors
This monograph presents an overview of the sources and geographical distribution of earthquakes, identifies earthquake hazards, and gives the implications of these hazards to gas distribution...
Waterpower '95
This proceedings contains the papers presented at the Waterpower '95 conference held in San Francisco, California, July 25-28, 1995. The conference brought together owners,...
Watershed Management Planning for the 21st Century
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the 1995 Watershed Management Symposium held in San Antonio, Texas, on August 14?16, 1995. These papers present research and practical...
Rock Steady
Heavily damaged during the Loma Prieta earthquake, Oakland City Hall had to be repaired and retrofitted. Now Oakland boasts the tallest seismically isolated building in the world. The...
Power Booster
With many utilities caught in a vise between semiobsolete facilities and demands for cleaner power, the $578 million Manchester Street repowering project is setting an example for an aging...
Documenting Design-Build
For engineers more familiar with the traditional design�bid�build process, design�build might present some unforeseen risks and responsibilities. To define and allocate these, the Engineers...
Water Water Everywhere
The city of San Diego is constructing a very large water reclamation plant that will use new methods to decontaminate water for industrial and agricultural uses. The plant is being built...
Now Showing in San Diego
This article is a roundup of three major infrastructure projects in the San Diego area. Each of these projects will be features in the technical tours portion of the ASCE conference in...
New York Gets Wired
With users of New York City DOT's computer-aided drafting and design reaching the limits of the computer system, the department decided to turn the situation to its advantage,...
Restoring a Stream Corridor
The Stream Restoration Project is an environmental remediation project in a residential area in the Northeast United States. The soil in the flood plain of the stream was contaminated...
Masonry Sewer Rehab
The city of St. Louis is rehabilitating some of the oldest masonry sewers in the country. The ongoing project includes all major types of sewer rehabilitation, including shotcrete, cast-in-place-pipe,...
Tracking a Serial Filter
The Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District in northern California conducted pilot testing of extreme/high-rate serial filtration (EHRSF) to see if the process could meet water treatment...
The Bell Tolls for Toll Booths
Many older toll facilities have reached their traffic-handling capacity, blocking the efficient movement of cars onto toll facilities. The article examines problems associated with reconfiguring...
Critical Issues and State-of-the-Art in Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
This proceedings of the session sponsored by the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering in conjunction with the ASCE National Convention in San Diego, California, October,...
Water Resources Engineering
These proceedings,
The Boom in In Situ Bioremediation
In situ bioremediation was first applied in 1972 when a subsurface release of high-octane gasoline threatened the water supply of a small town in Pennsylvania. Soluble inorganic nutrients...
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