Bishop Intake #2 Spillway Modifications: A Case History
This paper covers the history of the events leading to the modification of Southern California Edison's (SCE) Bishop Intake 2 to pass a site specific design flood. From the...

Unique Design Used for Collapsible Gate
The collapsible gate on the Wausau Dam is unique; there is only one known that is similar in design. The collapsible gate, which looks like an inverted V, was designed by Mead and Hunt...

Raising of King Talal Dam
The King Talal Project is located on the Zarqa River, a Jordan River tributary, in Jordan. An existing embankment dam, 100 m high, built in the mid-seventies by the Jordan Valley Authority...

Avoiding Vibration in Penstocks
One objective of this paper is to indicate the potential sources of pressure pulsations within a hydraulic conduit system and the range of forcing frequencies associated with these sources....

Penstock Rehabilitation
The deterioration of aging penstocks is a common problem at many existing hydroelectric plants. A comprehensive understanding of the physical condition and functional limitations of an...

Rocky Mountain Project?Overview
The Rocky Mountain Project, in Northwest Georgia, will be a three unit hydroelectric pumped-storage project with 850,000 kW installed in an above ground powerhouse. The gross water volumes...

Hydraulic Model Studies?Pak Mun Hydroelectric Project (Thailand)
The paper presents briefly the hydraulic problems related to the project which were successfully solved by the 1 to 100 scale hydraulic model study carried out at the Asian Institute of...

Hydraulic Aspects of West Delaware Tunnel Hydroelectric Development
Construction of a 7,500 kilowatt hydroelectric plant at the end of a 70 kilometer long water supply tunnel posed unusual hydraulic conditions that needed special consideration. Cooperation...

A Rocky Mountain Project Intake/Discharge Channel Flow Simulation Study
A two-dimensional depth-integrated finite element flow model was applied to evaluate pumping and generating flow conditions at the Rocky Mountain Project powerhouse intake/discharge channel....

Physical Hydraulic Modeling for Construction of New York State Dam Hydroelectric Project
The New York State Dam is located on the Mohawk River near its confluence with the Hudson River. Downstream from the dam, the river flow is divided into four main channels as the water...

Evaluation of Turbine Intake Velocity Criteria
The paper addresses the effect of intake flow distribution on turbine performance at low-head projects. Field and model test data are used to raise the question of whether typical turbine...

Frazil Ice Problems and Solutions at Hydro-Power Intakes
Active and passive frazil ice effects on hydroelectric plant intake design and operation are described and references are provided. The most frequently encountered problems and the basic...

Pressure Control Studies for PG&E's 20 MW Grizzly Hydroelectric Project
The Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Grizzly Hydroelectric Project consists of a single 20 MW Francis turbine under 700 feet head located near the existing Bucks Creek Project....

Generation Control Methods for Operating Efficiency Improvement
One way to increase the energy production of a hydroelectric powerplant is to improve the power production efficiency, that is, obtain more energy for a given quantity of water through...

Dewatering Using a Floating Bulkhead Proves Flexible, Reusable and Cost Effective
Going beyond a traditional bulkhead dropped in place with a barge crane or crane hoist, a steel floating bulkhead was conceived to dewater powerplant intakes, gated spillway bays or outlet...

Composite Materials Show Promise for Clean Kaplan Runners
In order to prevent any possibility of oil leakage into river water, LMZ manufactured Kaplan runners containing oil in the blade servomotor only, while the blade operating mechanism operates...

Evaluation of Rehabilitation Alternatives for Small Hydropower Plants
This paper describes methods for comparative evaluation of alternative rehabilitation measures for aging small-scale hydroelectric power plants located on storage reservoirs. The evaluation...

The Unusual History of a Flowline Canal Within a Reservoir
This paper discusses the history of and remedial repairs to a flowline canal which carries water from the headwater of Lake Isabella in California to Southern California Edison Company's...

The Zebra Mussel Invasion Niagara Power Project
The zebra mussel is a prolific mollusk that has recently invaded the Great Lakes region. It has a proven track record for causing severe macrofouling at power utilities and water municipalities....

The Twin Vortex Draft Tube Surge
Recent studies conducted at Colorado State University using a model of the 700-MW turbines at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Grand Coulee Third Powerplant indicate that...





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