Putting CADD to Work
Case histories show that engineering with CADD is no longer experimental. Projects reviewed in this article include an office/shop building for an electrical utility, a flood plain site...

Accounting for CADD Center Costs
The purpose of developing a CADD cost center is to segregate all costs related to the CADD operation so that you may receive fair compensation for CADD usage and to ensure fair charges...

Effective Communications in Highway Safety Programs
The problem of creating a safe environment for the users of our highway system has been with us almost since the invention of the motor vehicle. Generally accepted throughout the field...

Human Factors: The Problem with the Problem
Human behavior in the highway transportation system is prone to error and has basic limitations. It is modifiable within those basic limits. Most often we focus attention on the behavior...

Highway Safety Design Communications
This paper gives an examination of problems and prospects of incorporating more current highway safety knowledge into the design process through promising communication linkages between...

San Francisco Outfall: The Champ?
The Southwest Ocean Outfall, with an overall length of 23,400 ft and capacity of 450 mgd, will be major element of the Clean Water Program of the City and County of San Francisco. Offshore,...

Watertightness and Seepage Control in Roller Compacted Concrete Dams
An unjointed mass of roller compacted concrete (RCC) can easily be proportioned and compacted so that it is essentially impermeable and 'watertight. ' Permeability tests of various field-placed...

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in British Columbia, Canada
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) pavement is an outgrowth of the traditional cement-treated aggregate base (soil-cement) method of street and highway construction. The major use in British...

Highway Safety Forum
Advancing Road Transportation Safety Through Better Communication and Cooperation Among the Disciplines
Safe travel on our streets and highways has long received ample attention. However, there remains a relatively unexplored area within this subject. This area is communication between the...

Window Glass in Extreme Winds: Design for Flying Debris
Whether or not to change design procedures for window glass in buildings subject to very high winds was debated at the ASCE Convention in Houston. Preventing gravel and other debris from...

Civil Engineering Productivity�Can It Be Boosted?
In the past 20 years, construction labor productivity has declined while private business productivity has risen. And construction's percent of U.S. GNP has dropped nearly...

Can Management Techniques Solve Pavement Woes?
Cities are increasingly turning to systematic procedures for allocating scare manpower and funds and measuring pavement repair and rehabilitation needs. Many cities have adopted pavement...

Fluid/Structure Interaction During Seismic Excitation
Hydrodynamic loading and other fluid/structure interaction effects need to be considered in the design of structures which contain, surround, or are submerged in fluids when subject to...

Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability
Computing in civil engineering has gone through serious adjustments in recent years. With the advent of computer-aided design and drafting systems (CAD) and microcomputers, computing capability...

High Rise Design: Accounting for Column Length Changes
In the late 1950's and early 1960's, the height of concrete buildings jumped from 20 to 60 stories. During the same period, architects introduced the use of exposed...

Building Failures�Construction Related Problems and Solutions
A leadership group of representatives from the fields of structural design, construction, building inspection, the law and insurance agreed that if five changes are made in the way building...

A Look at the New ACI Concrete Code
Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-83) is discussed in terms of three major changes: limitations on chlorides, especially in aggregates, that affect durability;...

Social and Environmental Objectives in Water Resources Planning and Management
The nation's goals for water programs and projects must be clearly understood by engineers. This report describes the process of identifying social, economic and environmental...

Tunnelling in Soil and Rock
The relationship between tunnel design and construction is covered with emphasis on case histories of field measurements and performance. A general report emphasizes the importance of...

Frost Action and Its Control
This state-of-the-art review addresses, in four separate papers, frost heave processes and their control. A review of the fundamental principles of soil freezing and thawing is presented...





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