Regional Water Supply Development in the SWFWMD
Regional water supply authorities have been formed within the Southwest Florida Water Management District in an effort to meet growing water demands of a rapidly expanding population....

Regional Water Supply Management in Southern New Hampshire
This paper presents the findings and recommendations of the Southern New Hamsphire Water Supply Study regarding regional water supply management in the study area. The study area includes...

Regional Water-Supply Development and CWA Section 404
Regional water-supply development is generally promoted because of potential cost savings and improved system management, but regionalization may also provide an opportunity to reduce...

Decision Support System for Water Supply Planning
A decision support system (DSS) has been developed to assist water use planners and technical staff of the Southwest Florida Water Management District in choosing appropriate supply alternatives...

Hydrologic Modeling for Decision-Makers
All Properties within a community benefit from having an adequate system of storm drainage facilities and controls. Such benefits include: reduction of hazards to property and life resulting...

The Hydrology of Urban Runoff Quality Management
Recent regulatory requirements to reduce pollutant discharges from municipal storm sewer systems have intensified the need for approaches to developing design parameters, such as the selection...

Effect of Storm Distribution on Watershed Stormwater Management
This paper presents a case study illustrating the effect of the selection of rainfall distribution pattern upon the ability of a calibrated rainfall-runoff simulation model to replicate...

A Storm Water Management Model for Grand Rapids, Michigan
In 1989, the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, engaged Black & Veatch to conduct a comprehensive study of its combined sewer system with two primary objectives: (1) to relieve basement...

Evaluation of the Feasibility to Retrofit Stormwater Control Facilities to Improve Pollutant Removal Performance
This paper presents the results of an analysis that was performed to predict the efficiency of removal for suspended sediments in storm runoff under existing conditions and under several...

Diagnostic Options for Pipeline Rehabilitation
The various diagnostic options utilized for solving pipeline problems/failures continue to increase at a very rapid pace. Field reconnaisance and/or man-entry of pipelines is becoming...

Rehabilitation of Urban Pipelines
The City of Los Angeles is embarking on a replacement and rehabilitation program for the distressed portions of its sanitary sewer system which will cost in the hundreds of millions of...

Development of an Optimal Strategy for Storm Sewer Infrastructure Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of the nation's infrastructure will require a significant expenditure of public funds in the near future. Efficient management of these funds will require tools...

Reliability Consideration in Capital Improvement Programs
This paper shows an application of network reliability modeling in water supply capital improvement programs. The proposed approach consists of combining geometrical and structural properties...

Water Distribution Infrastructure Analysis
Water distribution systems in many older cities of the United States need rehabilitation. Because the rehabilitation costs of the nation's water systems will involve billions...

Ground Water Management in the Memphis, Tennessee Urban Area
In 1887, the first known water well was placed in the aquifer which presently supplies almost 100% of the water used by the Memphis Urban Area (MUA). Since that time, the MUA has developed...

Is GIS in Water Resources Better or Different
The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a relatively new tool which, when applied properly, may greatly benefit the water resources analyst. GIS technology combines sophisticated graphical...

Field Data-Gathering: Critical First Step for a GIS
Gathering data in the field is one of the first major tasks required for developing a geographic information system (GIS) or automated mapping/facilities management (AM/FM) system. This...

Using a GIS to Better Manage Water Resources in Texas
This paper examines five GIS applications under development in two state agencies in Texas responsible for the management and regulation of water resources, response to and remediation...

Stormwater/Wastewater Management: How an Application Can Drive a GIS
Decision makers are finding that a much-needed application may be the key that drives the creation of a city- or county-wide Geographic Information System (GIS). A start-up GIS developed...

Computer Modeling as a Tool for Selecting Appropriate Air Valves for Pipeline Surge Protection
Waterhammer in water or wastewater pipelines is caused by events such as a pump power failure and can have potentially damaging effects on the pipeline or pipeline hardware. In particular,...





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