More Power to the Allegheny?Design of the Allegheny 8 & 9 Hydroelectric Stations
The 13 MW Allegheny 8 Hydroelectric Station and the 17 MW Allegheny 9 Hydroelectric Station are located on the Allegheny River in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The generating facilities...

Lake Siskiyou Power Project
The Lake Siskiyou Power Project was constructed at the foot of the existing Box Canyon Dam on the Sacramento River in Northern California. Major project features included the construction...

In-Mine Hydroelectric Power Generating Station
Mines in the world are continually descending to greater depths in the search of mineral deposits. Water and energy usage are crucial to expansion. To help deal with this problem, Freeport...

Technology Transfer in the Bureau of Reclamation
In addition to its traditional methods of transferring technology through reports and manuals and participation in professional and technical societies, the Bureau of Reclamation has initiated...

Small Hydro Site Ranking, Cost Methodology and Program
The user-friendly micro-computer program SHYDRO for costing small hydro has been prepared for the government of Canada and is available in the public domain. SHYDRO was initially applied...

AgriMet/Hydromet?Satellite Telemetry Meeting Water Management Challenges in the Pacific Northwest
In the hydropower-rich Pacific Northwest (approximately 70% of total regional load served), water resource agencies such as the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the Bonneville...

Decision Rules for Reservoir Releases
One of the problems faced with computer modeling of a multi-reservoir, hydro-power system is making decisions on how releases will be made. Reservoirs many times have multiple demands...

The Wisconsin River System Operations Model: WIRSOM
The passage of the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to give equal consideration to non-power as well as power values in hydroelectric...

Deflector Synchronizing and Governing
This paper is a survey of deflector control speed govern impulse turbines for synchronization to a grid, and for isolated operation. There are several advantages to deflector control versus...

Optimal Real-Time Control of Hydroelectric Power Plant Using Dynamic Programming
In this paper, an approach of optimal real-time control of hydroelectric power plant operations is presented. The methodology is based on a dynamic programming technique where the original...

A New Power Invention
Hydropower is the most natural form of energy generated in the World. It allows us to make use of our natural resources without pollution. It harnesses the basic fundamentals of nature...

Dam Safety Hydrologic and Seismic Evaluation of TVA'S Beech Dam
Beech Dam is part of the Beech River watershed resource development located in Decatur and Henderson counties in west Tennessee. The development consists of eight dams and approximately...

Sungai Piah Hydroelectric Project (Malaysia)
The Sungai Piah Hydroelectric Project is located in the State of Perak in Peninsular Malaysia. It is a run-of-river project on steep mountain streams in dense tropical jungle. Nine intakes,...

Utilizing Wetlands for Stormwater Retention
The design steps an engineer uses to develop natural wetlands to provide flood control while continuing to retain their natural functions will be analyzed. This paper will include a discussion...

Implications of the 1987-1990 Droughts for Hydropower Generation at Reclamation Powerplants
Droughts in the western United States beginning in 1987 have caused water supply shortages and required rationing of water in some areas. The reductions in water supply have also impacted...

Assessment of Changes at Glen Canyon Dam
This paper describes the complexity associated with the assessment of financial impacts of proposed and actual short-term restrictions at Glen Canyon Dam. The reasons for these restrictions...

Columbia River System Operation Review
For many years hydroelectric power has been a surplus commodity in the Pacific Northwest. However, this picture has been changing rapidly in recent years. Increasing pressures for use...

An Improved Incremental Economic Dispatch Method for Hydroelectric Generators with Nonconvex Energy Production Cost Curves
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has undertaken a program to improve water resource management at its hydroelectric powerplants. One feature of the resource optimization program...

Development of the Collett Reservoir Addition to the Muck Valley Hydroelectric Project
The existing 26 MW Muck Valley Hydroelectric Project is located on the Pit River, 90 miles east of Redding in Northastern California. The Project was licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory...

Case Study: Steele Creek Dam Safety Analysis, Bristol, Tennessee
Steele Creek Dam creates a small recreational park lake before discharging into Beaver Creek a few hundred yards below the dam. Existing homes and trailers downstream from this junction...





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