Conceptual Design for a Lunar-Base CELSS
Future human exploration is key to the United States National Space Policy goal of maintaining a world leadership position in space. In the past, spacecraft life support systems have used...

Considerations for the Development of a Commercial Spaceport
Several states and countries are currently reviewing the feasibility of developing a commercial spaceport in their homeland. United Engineers & Constructors Inc. completed an extensive...

Education: The Future is Now
The United States of America as a nation faces a major challenge in improving its entire educational systems, especially education in mathematics, science, and engineering. Our future...

Probable Impacts of Space Operations on Air Force Civil Engineering
Consider the bridge from today's space programs and systems to tomorrow's space reality. Current space policy is revoluntionary in nature. Selected space related...

Columbus Generic Element Management Concept
The concept for largely autonomous onboard management of the ESA Columbus project elements relies on the automation of operational procedures. Reconfigurable items are commanded in sequence...

Encouraging Students to Enter Math, Science, and Space-related Fields
Most people agree that education is the key to technological superiority, that our current state of education is prohibiting the United States from being as competitive as it once was,...

Benefits of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators
Since the 1960's the United States has had the capability to reach beyond the planet Earth with the aid of satellites and interplanetary space probes. As probes such as the...

Alternatives for the U.S. Manned Space Program
There are a number of directions the U.S. space program could take. Should a space station be built? Should a lunar outpost be constructed? Should the U.S. plan a manned trip to Mars?...

Challenges and Opportunities in the '90s and Beyond?A U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Perspective
In the foreseeable future, water resources expenditures will probably be dominated by environmental/water quality concerns. Strong focus is coming to bear on the state of repair, rehabilitation...

Evaluation Plus History Equals Sewer Renovation
Sewers built in the 1920's were overflowing in the Fort Worth Zoo after moderate rain events. Data from A Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey (SSES), plus the Maintenance History...

Renovating the Riverside Water Plant?A Case Study
In 1986, the City of Waco, Texas began construction of the first of four projects designed to renovate the Riverside Water Treatment Plant. The water treatment plant was originally constructed...

The Use of Submersible ROVs for the Inspection and Repair of Water Conveyance Tunnels
At Virginia Power's Bath County Pumped Storage Station, robotic technology was pioneered through the development of a purpose-built Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to gain...

Infrastructure Investment During a Boom/Bust Cycle
During a boom period, a utility can find itself in a position where the usual rules of thumb for making investment decisions are no longer trusted. If the utility enters the boom period...

Funding Inland Navigation Infrastructure
This paper presents a review of the current Federal approach to financing inland waterway improvements, an analysis of the Inland Waterways Trust Fund and a description of the operation...

Retrofitting a Regional Stormwater Facility
The City of Tacoma, Washington, constructed a regional stormwater detention facility in the Leach Creek watershed in 1961 to permit development in the southwest corner of the City while...

Rehabilitation of Rapidly Urbanizing Streams
DuPage County, Illinois is implementing a stream maintenance program with the purpose of restoring and preserving the hydraulic efficiency of its streams and drainageways. The program...

Soft Bottom Low Flow Channel?A New Approach
In 1987, the City of Boulder, Colorado requested assistance from the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (District) to repair a problem of cattails growing in the low flow portion...

Recognizing Institutional Barriers in Regionalizing Water Supply Infrastructure
The Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (District) is conducting a study to determine the feasibility of implementing expanded regional cooperation for future municipal and industrial...

Legal Issues Presented by the Regionalization of a Water System
The joint development of a water supply and related infrastructure ('regionalization') by independent municipal and private entities presents legal and institutional...

Willingness to Pay for Stormwater Infrastructure
The contingent valuation method is used to estimate the willingness of Baltimore County homeowners to pay for stormwater controls to reduce nutrient loadings to the Chesapeake Bay. Homeowner...





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