A Design Process for Water Distribution Systems Including Optimization
Design of a water distribution system is a multi-level process from preliminary planning to final detailed sizing of components. Unfortunately as in many design problems, a final detailed...

Upgrading Hydraulic Infrastructure for Level One Redundancy
In the current paper a methodology is presented for upgrading any single source water distribution system in order to provide a level one system redundancy at a minimum cost. A level one...

Optimal Control Strategies for Water Distribution Systems
The overall operation problem becomes one of determining which pumps to run and when to run them so that electrical unit costs and electrical demand charges are minimized while at the...

A Methodology for Optimal Control of Pump Stations
Pumping water to utility customers is an expensive service which consumes large amounts of energy. Most approaches to date require simplifications and assumptions for the specific system...

Predicting Watermain Breakage Rates
Recent studies on water main breakage have shown significant spatial and temporal clustering in the breakage pattern. The methodology described in the paper provides the basis for a prediction...

Infrastructure Investment During a Boom/Bust Cycle
During a boom period, a utility can find itself in a position where the usual rules of thumb for making investment decisions are no longer trusted. If the utility enters the boom period...

Rehabilitation Model for Water Distribution Systems
This paper presents an optimization model for determining the minimum cost rehabilitation and replacement of pipes in water distribution systems. The advantages of the proposed model include...

Balancing Needs: Growth & Infrastructure Rehabilitation
Long range planning must include more than construction of facilities to meet new demands for service. A conscious effort must be made to balance the need for additional facilities with...

Cost-Effective Maintenance and Replacement Scheduling
The paper discusses operations research approaches to scheduling maintenance on components of water resources infrastructure. Cost and reliability objectives are explicitly considered....

Pretty Pictures & More GIS for Water Utilities
This paper considers the traditional activities of water utilities, and the solutions that will yield short and longer term requirements. These needs are then contrasted with the capabilities...

Reliability Estimation for Vertical Lift Gate at Emsworth Dam
The lift gates are composed of two horizontal trusses, two vertical girders, seven diaphragms, and two end frames. A critical element in the structural integrity of the lift gate is a...

Probabilistic Analysis of Maintenance Options
Maintenance usually means service disruption, repair cost and loss of production. This is especially true for structures or components which provide basic infrastructure services, such...

Urban Drainage Pipe Systems: Failure Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Planning
A Task Committee on Failure Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Urban Drainage Infrastructure has been organized by the Urban Water Resorces Committee of the Water Resourcs Planning and Management...

Economic Assessment of Infrastructural Development for the Gurara River in Nigeria
Based on the preliminary designs of the hydraulic structures for the proposed Gurara river water development project in Nigeria, an economic feasibility analysis is presented. The cost...

Realities of Infrastructure Financing
Federal financing of water supply and water treatment projects will continue to decrease as capital demands continue to increase for expansion of water supply, to replace aging systems,...

Retrofitting a Regional Stormwater Facility
The City of Tacoma, Washington, constructed a regional stormwater detention facility in the Leach Creek watershed in 1961 to permit development in the southwest corner of the City while...

Rehabilitation of Rapidly Urbanizing Streams
DuPage County, Illinois is implementing a stream maintenance program with the purpose of restoring and preserving the hydraulic efficiency of its streams and drainageways. The program...

Urban Drainage Rehabilitation: A Review of Literature
The Task Committee on Failure Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Urban Drainage Infrastructure has taken as one of its objectives the compilation of an anotated bibliography. This paper represents...

Recognizing Institutional Barriers in Regionalizing Water Supply Infrastructure
The Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (District) is conducting a study to determine the feasibility of implementing expanded regional cooperation for future municipal and industrial...

Legal Issues Presented by the Regionalization of a Water System
The joint development of a water supply and related infrastructure ('regionalization') by independent municipal and private entities presents legal and institutional...





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