Processes of Shoreline Change Along the Nile Delta Coast of Egypt
A comprehensive program has been underway for more than a decade to collect nearshore data related to erosion problems experienced along the shoreline of the Nile Delta. The data include...

Mechanisms of Coastal Cliff Erosion in Ceredigion, West Wales, UK
Investigation of cliff recession along 20km of the West Wales coastline has recognised erosion processes and mechanisms. Mean contemporary recession rates of 13cm/year have been measured...

Seacliff Retreat and Coarse Sediment Yields in Southern California
Seacliffs are erosional slopes. They form when a receding shoreline impinges on coastal terraces, hills, or mountains. Wave-caused erosion at the base of a seacliff controls its long-term...

Numerical Modelling of Lower Lias Rock Failures in the Coastal Cliffs of South Wales
A model has been developed to evaluate slope failure in the interbedded limestone and mudstone Lower Lias series which outcrop for some 30 km in coastal South Wales. Computer simulation...

Numerical Simulation of Beach Profile Response to Hurricane Hugo
Beach and dune erosion caused by Hurricane Hugo at Myrtle and Debidue Beaches, South Carolina was simulated using an explicit finite-difference cross-shore sand transport numerical mode....

Redington Shores Breakwater: Beach Response
This paper presents the beach response at Redington Shores, Florida to a detached offshore breakwater constructed in 1986. This paper summarizes the initial shoreline response described...

Development of an Input Data Set for Shoreline Change Modeling
Procedures and analysis techniques for pre-processing physical data sets in preparation for performing a numerical shoreline change simulation study using the GENESIS model are presented....

Field Application of a Numerical Model of Beach Topography Change
Discussion was made, on the basis of field data, on the applicability of the formula for local rate of sediment transport due to combined action of waves and currents presented by Watanabe...

Beach Profile Modelling: Flume Data Comparisons and Sensitivity Tests
Some results from a deterministic computational model of beach and nearshore profile development are presented in this paper. Comparisons are made with prototype-scale flume measurements...

Mathematical Model of Groyned Shingle Beaches
The paper describes the development of a mathematical model designed to be used by coastal engineers to study the effects of groynes on shingle beaches. The main task of the model is to...

Beach Erosion in Japan and Its Classification
Beach erosion in Japan is investigated in a nationwide scale and the causes are classified into six categories. Of six categories the most important factors are 1) obstruction of continuous...

Wave-Induced Scour Prediction at Vertical Walls
Scour at the foot of a vertical wall is examined for the special case of normally-incident, nonbreaking irregular waves that are perfectly reflected by the wall. The bottom is initially...

The Use of Hydraulic and Mathematical Models for Designing a Small Artificial Beach
This paper presents a case study in which physical and mathematical models are used for determining the behavior of a small artificial beach under wave attack. The beach is protected by...

Mound Migration in Deeper Water and Methods of Categorizing Active and Stable Depths
Sustained shoreward migration of several dredged material disposal mounds, including one in 6-m depths off the Alabama coast, should encourage greater use of nearshore placement to conserve...

Dredge Spoil and Inner Shelf Investigations off Tauranga Harbour, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Dispersion of dredge spoil from an inner shelf dump-mound in 11-17 m water depth, 3 km offshore from Tauranga Harbour, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, was investigated as part of environmental...

Influence of Water-Level Variation on the Performance of Great Lakes Beach Nourishments
In an effort to evaluate the influence of Great Lakes water level change on beach nourishment profile adjustment, an extensive ten year monitoring study was conducted in southern Lake...

Beach Nourishment Episodes at the Sandy Hook Unit, Gateway National Recreation Area, New Jersey, USA: A Preliminary Comparison
A chronic erosion problem at Sandy Hook resulted in two major beach nourishment operations during the 1980's, employing material dredged from nearby navigation channels. Grain...

Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Determined by EOF Method
Laboratory and field data of beach profile changes are used to study the cross-shore transport rate. The Empirical Orthogonal Eigenfunction analysis is applied to separate the temporal...

Higher Frequency Acoustic Measurements of Coarse Bedload Transport
Although sensors have been developed which provide high temporal resolution for the measurement of wave profiles, flow fields and suspended sediment concentrations within the coastal system,...

Integrated Photogrammetric and Geophysical Monitoring of Shoreline Instability in Littoral Cells in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Several factors have recently focused on the attention of government agencies, academic researchers, and the general public on coastal erosion and beach resource management in the Pacific...





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