Network Analysis for Water Supply Reliability Determination
The availability of water at a point in a distribution network is expressed in terms of the reliabilities of the components which comprise the different paths to the point from the source....

Mechanics of Embankment Erosion During Overflow
Thousands of dams built in the United States have a potential to be overtopped by flood flows. It is necessary to understand the mechanics of embankment erosion in order to evaluate the...

Vegetal Protection of Embankments and Spillways
Recent advances in the application of tractive stress to the design of grass-lined open channels are used to develop a tentative procedure for analyzing the hydraulic performance of vegetated...

Predicting and Minimizing Embankment Damage Due to Flood Overtopping
Under a contract with the Federal Highway Administration and Bureau of Reclamation, Simons, Li & Associates, Inc. (SLA) is conducting an overtopping damage study to evaluate various...

Limitations of Saint Venant Equations to Model Flood Waves
The subject of this paper is in direct contrast to all previously known research efforts. Previous effort has focused on simplified forms of Saint Venant using approximate routing models...

Improved Robustness of the NWS DAMBRK Algorithm
The combination dam breach and flood routing numerical model called DAMBRK has been developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) for forecasting river flooding events (Fread, 1984)....

Magnitude and Frequency Analysis in Large Rivers
A study of the magnitude and frequency of sediment transport was conducted on the Mississippi River at Natchez, MS, Red River at Alexandria, LA, and Pearl River at Bogalusa, LA. The individual...

Pipe Network Analysis on a Microcomputer
This paper reports on experience gained with the use of commercially available software for pipe network analysis. This information may be helpful to water system managers and consulting...

Analysis of Storm Event Suspended Sediment Data From Tennessee
In order to provide an understanding of transport patterns, historical suspended sediment data collected by TVA in the late 1930s were computerized and entered onto WATSTORE. Frequent...

Dimensional Analyses of Yellow River Sediment Data
A contemporaneous set of bed load and suspended load sediment transport data were analysed for three hydrologic stations on the Yellow River. There were a total of 82 bed load events,...

Effect of Streamflow Conditions on Gas-Transfer Coefficients
Contrary to the findings of previous studies of channel-controlled stream reaches, it was found that, in four reaches of a small stream characterized by a series of pools and riffles,...

Refined Modeling to Estimate Sediment Discharge
Numerical solution of the two-dimensional turbulent flow over a train of identical dunes is obtained with the Algebraic Stress Model for closure. The effective tractive force acting on...

Improving Drainage with Laser Controlled Land Grading in the Red River Valley of the North
This paper evaluates a laser controlled land grading project in the Red River Valley of the North. Graded fields are compared with ungraded fields to measure changes in dryland crop yields...

Lessons from the Failure of a Needle Valve
In 1984 a manually operated, hydraulically actuated 66-inch needle valve ruptured due to water hammer. The circumstances that caused the failure were reconstructed through extensive analysis...

Non Linear Economic Models for Crop Production
Most economic models for crop production rely on the traditional linear programming approach, in spite of the fact that the objective function is almost always non linear. This paper briefly...

Delivery System Management Via Dynamic Programming
Management of irrigation water delivery systems may involve allocating limited water supplies over both time and space under uncertain future demands. The physical delivery systems are...

Interactive Surface Irrigation Design and Evaluation Software
This paper outlines the features and capabilities of a comprehensive personal computer software system for use by irrigation engineers in design and evaluation of continuous and surge...

Bowen Ratio and Penman: Australian-California Tests
Results are presented of evapotranspiration (ET) studies conducted in Davis, California and at two locations in Australia. Good agreements were obtained in early comparisons of Bowen Ratio...

The Relationship of Benefits to System Size for Irrigation Projects
This paper presents a generalized linear programming (LP) and farm budget model for optimization of on-farm irrigation benefits resulting from variations in irrigation project size. The...

Weather Modification Versus Drought?No Contest
The Colorado River Municipal Water District has sponsored a summertime West Texas cloud-seeding program to increase rainfall in each year since 1970. Because of the program's...





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