Feasibility Studies of Flood Warning-Response Plans
Local flood warning-emergency preparedness plans consist of hardware, technical activities, and formal and informal inter- and intra-organizational arrangements and commitments to performance...

Optimal Flood Warning and Preparedness Plans
This paper includes a framework for selecting the optimal investment in warning and preparedness activity. The primary factors which might influence the magnitude of cost and damage are...

Emerson, Iowa Flood Warning System
A flood warning system was installed in 1985 by the Corps of Engineers at Emerson, Iowa as part of Emerson, Iowa Flood Control Project on Indian Creek. The warning system consists of two...

The Santa Ana River Flood Forecasting System
A real-time flood forecasting and reservoir operations simulation system has been developed for the Santa Ana River Basin, located in southern California. The system consists of generalized...

Underground Drainage of Urban Runoff from Natural Depressions
A unique subsurface system was designed and implemented for draining such a natural depression in the City of West Lake Hills, Texas. This subsurface drainage system uses a part of the...

Heppner, Oregon Flood Warning System: An Interagency Cooperative Effort
The flood warning system is a network of event-actuated precipitation and river level gages in two flash flood prone drainage basins of 44 and 6. 8 square mile areas. These basins enter...

Minimizing the Impact of Salinity Intrusion Due to Sea Level Rise
A rise in sea level will cause saline water to intrude up estuaries including those adjacent to aquifers with major pumping centers. During a drought a significant amount of saline estuary...

Transport Model for Aquifer Reclamation Management
A contaminant transport model which is specifically designed for management applications is developed. A key feature is the transient velocity field needed in the solution of the advection-dispersion...

A Riverflow-Water Quality Control Model
In order to implement how regulated riverflow (control variable) impacts the salinity (output variable) under a tidal dynamic environment, a multiple input control system is developed....

Deriving Streamflow Distribution Probabilities
Streamflow distribution probabilities are often involved in the stochastic analysis of water resources systems. Limited by data availability, certain probability terms can hardly be abstracted...

Hydrologic Runoff Modeling of Small Watersheds: The Tinflow Model
TINFLOW is a PC-based Geographic Information System (GIS) that utilizes the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) and associated data structures, together with a deterministic, finite difference...

Geographic Estimation of Runoff-Model Parameters
The U. S. Geological Survey is developing techniques to estimate and evaluate unit-hydrograph and loss-rate parameter values for rainfall-runoff models using Geographic Information System...

A Flood Prediction Geographic Information System
The paper discusses a GIS that derives kinematic wave model parameters using stream network, elevation, and basin boundary data. Various approaches are being investigated for estimating...

Southeastern Drought of 1986 - Lessons Learned
An interim drought management plan for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (A-C-F) river basin was completed in April, 1985, just in time for testing as the drought developed. Objectives...

Automatic Calibration of Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Models
An automatic calibration strategy applied to land and channel components of the National Weather Service River Forecast System is outlined. Aspects discussed include the objective function...

Fault-Tolerant Design for Data Acquisition and Flood Forecast Systems
An innovative fault tolerant flood warning system is currently being installed in the Passaic River Basin. The new system is designed to automatically tolerate the failure of major components...

Modified CIMIS Irrigation Scheduling Program
CIMIS, California Irrigation Management Information System, is a program that collects weather data around the state to assist irrigators in planning and scheduling their irrigations....

Reliability of a Frictional System with Uncertainty
In recent years, more emphasis has been placed on the study of random vibration of structures with uncertain parameters. Most of these have dealt with second order statistics of the response...

Unified Approach to Reliability-Based Structural Optimization
The purpose of this paper is to present a unified approach to reliability-based structural optimization. The emphasis is placed on recent developments in the field including optimal design...

General Considerations for Seismic Stability
The basic design consideration is provision of sufficient stiffness, strength and adequate ductility for the varied loads imposed on the building. Adequate stiffness is needed to resist...





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