Northridge Postscript: Lesson on Steel Connections
Immediately after the Northridge earthquake in January 1994, the general concensus was that steel-framed buildings performed extremely well. Later, inspectors were surprised to find weld...
Ports '95
This proceedings,
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1994
Guidelines for Cloud Seeding to Augment Precipitation
This manual of professional practice,
America and Beyond
This proceedings,
Toxic Air Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Facilities
In the Wet
The concept of using large diameter vertical cylinder piles of steel and concrete is not new. Vertical cylinders constructed in pneumatic caissons go back at least 70 years. Steel cylinders...
NDE for Steel Bridges
Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) is the only way to detect fatigue cracks hidden by the paint on steel bridges, and FHWA-sponsored research into the problem has been given highest priority....
Composite Sketch
Composite materials from the aerospace and military sectors are showing promise in highway, bridge and transportation applications. Some of the current and potential applications of composites...
Wood Working
Engineers may be more accustomed to working with concrete and steel, but for certain projects aesthetics, cost or other considerations may make wood the preferred choice. According to...
Not Your Father's Concrete
A simple mixture of water, aggregate and cement, conventional concrete is environmentally-friendly by nature. But with landfills bloating and hazardous wastes becoming increasingly difficult...
Air-Supported Roof Redux
Long-span, low profile, air-supported roofs have been dramatic additions to a dozen public arenas built in the 1970s and early 1980s. The advantages of these roofs were overshadowed by...
San Francisco CSO
Today, even a light rain can overload San Francisco's combined sewer overflow (CSO) system, sending untreated sewage and stormwater into the bay and ocean. This is especially...
Forging the Link
The Southern California region is known as the freeway capital of the world. The transportation system has been based on the freedom of the individual automobile for more than 25 years....
PR Prescription
Image and reputation are powerful tools for professional services firms competing in today's marketplace. The ability to win projects, enter new markets and attract key employees...
Trenchless in San Diego
The Middletown Trunk Sewer is located near downtown San Diego. Sewage backups prompted a study, recommending construction of a larger replacement pipeline. The City of San Diego prepared...
Bioremediation Comes of Age
Only five years ago engineers and scientists met with EPA officials to weigh the merits of bioremediation as a hazwaste cleanup tool. Now bioremediation has become an accepted effective...
Guidelines for Field Evaluations of Pothole Repairs
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center, a CERF Service Center. This report describes the HITEC evaluation plan for Bondade,...
High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1995
The proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on April 30-May 5, 1995, Las Vegas, Nevada, continues a concerted effort to...
Standard Practice for Shotcrete
This manual,
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