Determining Criteria for Operating Irrigation Systems
Operation variables involved in the management of given irrigation systems are the irrigation time and the inlet head, when sprinkling or drip methods are applied, or the time of cutoff...

Surface-Drained Level Basins for Rice Production
Surface-drained level-basin systems, consisting of a series of terraced level basins in which a portion of the applied water is drained from the inlet end of the basin, can be used to...

Research for New Water Table Management Systems
Water table management in the form of controlled-drainage and controlled-drainage/subirrigation is a feasible, yet under-utilized, practice in the Atlantic Coast flatwoods, the Ohio River...

Evaluation of Thermoplastic Drainage Pipe Designs in Europe and North America
The last 10 years have seen significant increase in the use of plastic pipe for drainage systems in North America in comparison to Europe. Many plastic pipe products have included corrugations,...

Modeling Tertiary Unit Performance in Large Irrigation Systems
Large irrigation systems constructed in the Asian region, deliver water over a wide area with varied agroclimatic conditions and cropping patterns. In order to evaluate the performance...

Flow Measurement in Irrigation Practice: State-of-the-Art
State-of-the-art flow metering developments for irrigation are reviewed. Selected older methods are updated with recent improvements. These include orifice meters, venturi meters, critical-flow...

A Decision Support Tool for Managing Main Canal Distribution Systems
Decision Support Systems are appearing with increased frequency in the domain of Water Resources Planning and Management. Efficiency and precision have become issues of primary importance...

An Analytical Technique of Flow Rate Into Perforated Draintubes
The flow rate into a draintube in a saturated soil media depends on numerous characteristics such as the hole size, the number and spacing of holes, the drain size and depth. Based on...

A Field Experiment to Evaluate the Water Quality Impacts of Agricultural Drainage and Production Practices
Many research projects are underway to address agricultural nonpoint source pollution of ground and surface waters. Many of these have the objective to develop and test models to predict...

Canal Models and You
Unsteady canal simulation models require serious investments of time and personnel. The reasons for deciding to invest in a model, as well as reasons to not invest, are discussed. Canal...

Informed Use and Potential Pitfalls of Canal Models
Numerical models of unsteady flow in canals are used in the design, analysis and operation of irrigation canal systems. Their informed use requires knowledge of the potential pitfalls,...

Canal Model Evaluation and Comparison Criteria
The ASCE Task Committee on 'Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling' was formed to evaluate existing canal unsteady flow models (computer programs) and to...

Crop Canopy Models for Estimating Evapotranspiration from Row Planted Field
To evaluate the consumptive use efficiency of irrigated water, it is useful to estimate the soil surface evaporation component separately from the transpiration component. Interception...

Current Investigations of Hawaiian Taro Pondfield Irrigation Systems
Due to the prominence of taro pondfield irrigation water in the State of Hawaii's system of water rights, the heightened attention given to water resource management under...

Description and Evaluation of Program MODIS
MODIS is an implicit hydrodynamic modeling package that has been developed to investigate the hydraulic performance of dynamic controlled irrigation systems. The model's most...

Description and Evaluation of Program: USM
USM was developed by the USBR for simulating unsteady flow conditions in canals with either manual or automatic gate operation. This paper describes the model and discusses the relative...

Multiobjective Decision Theory ? Decision Support Systems with Embedded Simulation Models
The concepts of multiobjective decision making utilizing embedded computer simulation models and dimensionless scoring functions are described in the context of a decision support system...

A Study of a Flood Control Levee Swamp System
In an attempt to reconstruct the events of the more than 100-year 1987 New Year's Eve storm that occurred on Oahu, Hawaii, an analysis of a complicated overland flow phenomenon...

The Ala Wai Canal?From Wetlands to World-Famous Waikiki
The Ala Wai Canal, a man-made tidal estuary on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, is located about a half mile (0.8 km) landward of Waikiki beach and is two miles (3.2 km) long. As Hawaii's...

Cal Poly Model Canal
The Cal Poly Model Canal (located at the Water Delivery Facility, Irrigation Training and Research Center, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA) was built to accommodate...





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