Wind Loads on Electrical Transmission Structures
Guidelines for structural loads on electrical transmission structures were prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers' Committee on Electrical Transmission Structures....

Innovations in Prestressed Concrete Structures
Prestressed concrete poles are probably the best choice for most transmission line structures. They have many advantages over structures made from other materials for both engineering...

Bolted Connections for Steel Towers
Laced electrical transmission towers require on-site assembly. Consequently, the number of bolts and pieces are important considerations in the total cost of the structures. ASTM A394(1)...

TLMRF Research Initiatives
The research initiatives of the EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) structural development project RP2016-03 are described. The interrelationship of these initiatives with cosponsored...

Strain Gaging and Data Acquisition at the TLMRF
Strain gages are the major source of data for the TLMRF (Transmission Line Mechanical Research Facility) research program. Measurement of member loads and bending moments in lattice towers...

Costs of Truck Related Highway Damage to Alaska
The cost of pavement damage to the State of Alaska for truck traffic continues to be a very controversial topic. There is no simple answer since this cost is dependent upon pavement strength,...

Hot Sand for Improved Traction on Icy Roads
Experiments were performed to determine if heating sand prior to spreading it on icy roads would improve the skid resistance of the road more than cold sanding. Tests were made on a full-scale...

Development of a Self-Heating Thermal Probe for Saline Permafrost
Geothermal modelling and prototype testing are described to support the development of a self-heating thermal probe. This has application for in-situ determination of the amount of unfrozen...

Design of Modular Structures for the Arctic
Sohio's efforts to continue the production and initial processing oil from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska requires additional production enhancement equipment on the Alaskan North Slope...

Ester West Slide?A Case History
An 80 foot high embankment was benched into graphitic schist permafrost on a north facing slope approximately 25 miles west of Fairbanks, Alaska. Soon after construction approximately...

Characterization of the Dalton Highway Foundation Soils
A case study is presented of the landform-based probabilistic-statistical route geotechnical characterization of natural foundation soils along the Dalton Highway. Landforms were mapped...

Long Term Performance of the Goldstream Creek Bridge
In 1964 the Alaska Department of Transportation and the U. S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory initiated a cooperative study which in the long-term generated a significant...

A Thermal Analysis of Pavement Thawing
This research focuses on identifying the spring thawing period for the purpose of timing load restrictions on low to medium volume roads in frost-susceptible areas. Cases evaluated include...

Terrain Analysis From Space Shuttle Photographs of Tibet
Several Space Shuttle missions obtained false color and large format, high resolution, black and white stereo photography at an approximate scale of 1:800,000. In addition to available...

An Overview of Cold Region Considerations for the Design of the Eklutna Water Project
The paper presents a brief overview of cold regions considerations that were considered during the design of the various elements of the Eklutna Water Project in Anchorage, Alaska. The...

Massive Ice Detection by Earth Resistivity
This paper presents two case histories utilizing remote sensing earth resistivity equipment to target subsurface massive ice locations. In one case, a number of probe locations were made...

F.E.M. Analysis of Mobile Arctic Caisson Island With Stochastic Material Properties
The paper examines how soil uncertainty influences the short term settlements and stresses of the Mobile Arctic Caisson on the original sea bed. Utilizing a two-dimensional plane strain...

Moisture Effects on Extruded Polystyrene Insulation
The amount of moisture within the insulation was determined by carefully weighing each sample and then measuring its volume. Two methods of measuring thermal conductivity were used. The...

Proposed Operation of an Expert System for Analyzing Construction Project Risks
The principal problem for the construction project manager is selecting the most effective response when project progress deviates undesirably from targeted objectives. Optimally, the...

Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Armor Units Subject to Wave Impact
Concrete armor units are commonly employed for the protection of shorelines and rubble structures. Their design is primarily based on hydrodynamic stability. However, their structural...





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