Evaluation of the National Coastal Zone Management Program
The Federal Coastal Zone Management Act has gone through nearly two decades of evolution since it was first enacted in 1972. In that time 29 states and territories have chosen to participate...

Basic Physical Models in Sediment Transport
Basic particle dynamics and cellular automata micromodels of clastic sediments are described and applications are illustrated in the areas of aeolian saltation, bedload transport, size...

Mechanics of Cohesionless Sediment Transport in Coastal Waters
Conceptual mechanics-based models for sediment transport processes in steady and unsteady turbulent boundary layer flows are derived and discussed. To the extent possible the predictions...

Infragravity Waves, Longshore Currents, and Linear Sand Bar Formation
A new hypothesis regarding the role of infragravity waves in controlling the formation and offshore migration of linear (2-dimensional) sand bars is presented. The hypothesis is dependent...

Long Wave Effects in Laboratory Studies of Cross-Shore Transport
A movable bed physical model study was conducted to investigate the influence of trapped low frequency energy on wave transformation and beach profile evolution. Using identical drive...

Sediment Transport in the Swash Due to Obliquely Incident Wind-Waves Modulated by Infragravity Waves
Swash is described by obliquely incident wind-waves superposed on, and interacting with, long standing waves. The wind waves of the inner surf zone are modulated in amplitude, wavenumber...

Effect of Long Waves to Local Sediment Transport Rate
When irregular waves travel to the shoreline, long wave component becomes important in the surf zone. In the surf zone, sands are transported by both wave motion and turbulence due to...

Critical Examination of Longshore Transport Rate Magnitude
Inconsistencies in the field data and predictions of longshore sediment transport (LST) rates associated with the CERC and Bagnold formulae are discussed. Practical errors in direct application...

Alongshore Sediment Transport Rate Distribution
The initial analysis of a new set of experimental data on alongshore sediment transport rate distribution is presented. The distributions were generally found to be bimodal but tended...

Relationship Between Longshore and Cross-Shore Transport
Radiation stress principles are shown to control both longshore and cross-shore wave induced stresses which in turn determine the major processes controlling sediment transport. Recent...

A Calibrated Longshore Transport Model for Richards Bay
In order to plan maintenance dredging at the Port of Richards Bay, different studies were carried out. These were to determine the extreme dredging rates required in the long term and...

Neashore Sediment Transport by Slush/Brash Ice in Southern Lake Michigan
Bands of mobile ice are common features in the Great Lakes nearshore zone during the winter months. Samples were collected during December, 1989 to determine the sediment content in the...

Measurements of Suspended Sediment Transport: Prototype Shorefaces
Field measurements of local time-varying suspended sediment flux were obtained using rapid response velocity and sediment concentration sensors at a number of elevations under shoaling...

Field Measurements of the Vertical Structure of Suspended Sediment
The use of acoustic backscatter measurements to determine suspended sediment concentration gives a new view of the instantaneous sediment distribution as a function of height above the...

Suspended Sediment Load at Three Time Scales
Suspended sediment loads were examined at the three time scales of time-series-averaged, wave-by-wave and instantaneous during the wave cycle. Field measurements recorded on a natural...

Suspended Sediment Concentrations in a Barred Nearshore Zone
Field observations of the suspended sediment concentrations in the inner nearshore zone are made with the use of a pump-sampling system to derive time-averaged profiles and with the use...

G6 Coastal Morphodynamics
The contents and the backgrounds of the European coastal modelling programme 'G6 Coastal Morphodynamics', in the framework of the EC-sponsored Marine Science...

The British Beach and Nearshore Dynamics (B-Band) Programme
A large scale collaborative field based research programme (B-BAND), aimed at measuring the small scale processes associated with nearshore dynamics on macro-tidal beaches, is currently...

Monitoring the Response of the Inter-Tidal Beach Profile to Tidal and Wave Forcing
The need for sets of beach profile and wave data of one year duration, sampled at sub-weekly intervals, is well recognised in the literature. Some of the initial data from a macro-tidal...

Effect of the Earth Rotation on Tide Induced Sediment Transport
Semi-enclosed seas are generally composed of narrow straits and wide basins, forming a strait-basin system. In the strait-basin system where tidal current prevails, the strong tidal current...





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