An Interactive Model for Project Planning and Scheduling
This paper presents the development and use of an interactive, microcomputer-based model for project planning and scheduling. The model is general enough to handle both deterministic (CPM-based)...

Experiences with Rapid Computerization in Educational Institutions
Rapid computerization in educational institutions, such as establishment of departmental computer facilities, requires realistic planning to implement and incorporate the new capabilities...

Computer Simulation of the Overload Behavior of Steel Multigirder Bridges with Cracked Girders
Various approaches of determining the structural response of steel multigirder bridges with cracked girders are presented. It is noted that linear finite element packages with three dimensional...

Groundwater Modeling: Selection of Computing Systems
Results are presented for ten microcomputer systems evaluated with respect to system performance in solving a test case three-dimensional groundwater flow problem. The model used was the...

Application of Lotus 1-2-3 to SWMM Preprocessing
This paper describes a preprocessor for the EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) which is based on a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. Currently-used methods to input data into SWMM are described...

Computer Use in Structural Analysis
Acquisition of computer hardware and software in order to establish distributed processing and a local area network at the Air Force Weapons Lab has greatly streamlined two structural...

The Changing Configuration of Commercial Ports
The ports of the world are constantly changing. The present day concept of a ship or barge entering a harbor, being unloaded, reloaded and 'sailing' out is not...

Microcomputer Construction Operations Simulation
This paper summarizes the current status of an ongoing research project whose objective is to collect time data from videotapes of field construction operations and use the data as input...

Sources of Urban Pollutants?Do we Know Enough?
The non-USGS data from the NURP program are summarized in terms of their availability and adequacy for decision making and modeling. Results of selected projects are reviewed and related...

Assessing Biological Effects of Contaminants In Situ
This paper presents a monitoring strategy for assessing the effects of anthropogenic contaminants on aquatic organisms. This strategy takes advantage of our increased understanding of...

Super and Parallel Computers and Their Impact on Civil Engineering
This publication contains four papers on the use of super and parallel computers in the practice of civil engineering. The first paper shows how large nonlinear systems of equations, such...

Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures
The 40 papers included in this publication were presented at the Joint U.S.-Japan Seminar on Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete. Two state of the art reviews discuss the role...

The True Cost of Microcomputers
The purchase price of a microcomputer represents a small fraction of the total operating cost of that micro. An analysis of other cost components reveals an ongoing annual cost from two...

Spreadsheets: A New Design Tool
New techniques are developing which make computer programming easier. One new technique is spreadsheet programming for microcomputers. Two programs are presented which give a quick overall...

Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age
The theme of the 1985 ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference is ?Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age.? The goal of this conference is to demonstrate innovative hydraulic...

Microcomputers and Transportation: A Look Forward
Technical development in the microcomputer industry continues to accelerate. In the next few years changes in hardware and software will occur which will be at least as dramatic as those...

How to Use a Transit Consumer Information System
This paper reports the results of an effort to implement a consumer information system in a small urban area. The system was designed to periodically report the travel patterns and viewpoints...

Performance Analyses and Design for Urban Bus Transit
This paper describes a Management approach to Bus Transit Systems based on the treatment of Demand, Supply and Policy. The procedure described is currently supported by a series of interactive...

On-Line Computerized Maintenance Management
Maintenance is the last cost saving frontier of scientific management. Top management has concentrated on production for generations, largely ignoring maintenance. The attitude of 'fix...

An Infrastructure-Based Strategy for Guiding Reconstruction, Development and Reconciliation in Lebanon
In 1979 an agreement was entered into between the CDR, U. S. A. I. D. , and the American University of Beirut (AUB) whereby an interdisciplinary team of AUB researchers would develop a...





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