Some Modeling and Analysis Techniques for Wave Propagation in Random Media
Some mathematical modeling techniques for the problem of wave propagation in randomly imperfect periodic medium are reviewed: multiscale formulation and random evolution modeling. These...

Probabilistic Order of Chaotic Dynamics
A chaotic dynamics system generally turns a deterministic input into a random-like output. Although the response is not directly predictable in the deterministic sense, its probabilistic...

An Advanced First-Order Method for System Reliability
This paper proposes an iterative first-order method for accurate estimation of the joint failure region of two nonlinear limit states. Current methods use either a first-order approach...

Probabilistic Rotordynamics Analysis Using an Adaptive Importance Sampling Method
A methodology is developed to compute the probability of instability of a rotor system that can be represented by a system of second-order ordindary linear differential equations. The...

Structural System Design under Uncertainty Via Pareto Optimization
Structural systems are generally designed under safety, serviceability and economy requirements. The single objective optimal design problem of both deterministic and nondeterministic...

Live Load Models Based on WIM Data
The objective of the paper is to present the results of weigh-in-motion (WIM) measurements carried out in Michigan. Selected bridges were instrumented and truck weights and axle configurations...

How to Improve Writing Skills
Many papers submitted to ASCE journals are rejected because of poor writing. Moreover, the most common complaint employers have of newly graduated engineers is their lack of writing skills....

Optimizing Economic Returns in Drainage Design
Soil wetness is a limitation to high agricultural productivity in Northern New York (NNY) where some 325,000 ha of cropland require drainage treatment. Drainage is needed for trafficability...

Stabilizing Drop Structure by Drainage Modifications
East Drain Terminal Drop Structure is located in East Drain, an open toe drain of Palmetto Bend Dam, in the tide water area of south Texas. The drop structure was threatened by piping...

Tapping Shallow Groundwater with Horizontal Wells
In recent years, horizontal wells have become an economical water supply source alternative for many shallow water table areas in Florida. Horizontal wells typically utilize 15 to 20 cm...

Agricultural Drains and Safety of Dams
Bonny Dam is located in east central Colorado on the South Fork Republican River. The dam's foundation is in the relatively porous Ogallala formation. Throughout the history of the dam,...

Design of Transient and Steady State Drain Spacing
Drain spacings calculated by steady state or transient equations can be made equal by adjusting the design water table height used in the equations. The adjustments are not constant and...

Degradation of Ground Water by Tetrachloroethylene
Ground water from many municipal water wells in California has been degraded by tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at concentrations above the drinking water standard. Investigations conducted...

Wellfield Protection Program in Broward County, Florida
The Potable Water Wellfield Protection Program was initiated early in 1981. It examined land uses in the County, made an inventory of potential ground water pollution sources, compiled...

Use of D-C Resistivity to Map Saline Ground Water
It has been estimated in previous studies that 23 square miles of the Oxnard aquifer, a member of a multi-layered aquifer system beneath the Oxnard plain in Ventura County, California,...

Connecticut's Wellhead Protection Program
Connecticut's Wellhead Protection Program was the first in the country to receive EPA approval and remains one of the strongest programs in the nation. The program is based on comprehensive...

Oklahoma's Ground Water Protection Strategy
This report examines Oklahoma's developing ground water protection strategy in light of the national strategy. We look first at relevant federal legislation and what EPA expects of a state...

Groundwater Management in Southern Florida
A water supply plan was developed by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for Hendry County, Florida as part of the Lower West Coast Water Supply Plan. In the course of...

Evapotranspiration Data Management in California
This paper will discuss components of the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS). CIMIS is an automated agricultural weather network operated by the California Department...

Standard Reference Evapotranspiration Calculations: REF-ET
REF-ET is a PC software program for computing standard calculations of reference evapotranspiration (Eto) and associated variables. Computations...





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