Evaluating History?The Edison Sault Powerhouse
The hydroelectric facility owned by the Edison Sault Electric Company at Sault Ste Marie, Michigan was an engineering marvel when it was designed and constructed. This paper explores the...

Dardanelle Turbines
The Dardanelle turbines located at river mile 205.5 of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, are experiencing an unusual amount of wear in the blade trunnion bushings. Oil...

Rocky Mountain Pump-Turbines and Related Mechanical Equipment
The Rocky Mountain powerplant will have three reversible, single stage, vertical shaft pump-turbine units, each having a maximum output of 321 MW generating and a maximum pumping capacity...

Decision Support for Colorado River Operations
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) uses a simulation model known as the 24-month Study Model for planning monthly and seasonal operations for the Colorado River Basin....

Pressure-Time Method Using Modern Practices
Over the past twenty years, Hydro-Quebec has modernized the pressure-time method of flow measurement, a method which is generally economical but sometimes difficult to apply. Starting...

Automated Lysimeter for Irrigation and Drainage Control
Knowledge of crop evapotranspiration (ETc), the combined process of evaporation and plant transpiration, is important in agriculture for scheduling...

UCD Drag Plate Lysimeter?Momentum and Mass Transfers
The second large (6.1 m dia., 0.97 m deep) lysimeter built at the University of California, Davis (UCD) was largely the brainchild of Dr. F.A. Brooks, the initial Project leader of a U.S....

Transpiration by Douglas Fir Using Lysimeters
During the spring of 1971 a 28 m Douglas fir tree was installed in a weighing lysimeter. Some details of construction are presented. The weighing mechanism consisted of eleven lengths...

Use of Lysimetric Measurements for Designing Major Irrigation Systems in the USSR
The bioclimatic method for calculation of crop water requirements has been widely used in the USSR in recent years. The author has analyzed the results of its application for designing...

Lysimetric Monitoring for Operation of Irrigation Systems in the USSR
The author suggests a new method for operational control of irrigation regimes which is based on monitoring of a number of critical parameters related to the yield potentials of crops....

Prefabricated Weighing Lysimeter for Remote Research Stations
After designing and constructing several precision scale system weighing lysimeters in Southern Europe and the Middle East, the need arose for a prefabricated 'turn-key'...

Farm Irrigation Rating Index (FIRI)?A Procedure to Evaluate Both Irrigation Systems and Management
The Soil Conservation Service USDA/SCS, concentrates it's technical assistance to cooperators on improvements of on-farm irrigation systems and improvements of water management...

Operation of Irrigation System and Water Management in Low Lying Paddy Area with Creek Network
Characteristics of the operation and management of irrigation systems were analyzed in the low lying paddy area with creek networks. The irrigation system in Kubota district was chosen...

Effect of Frequency on Center Pivot Irrigation
Processes that are affected by the irrigation frequency of center pivot irrigation systems are described. High frequency irrigation will increase evaporation from crop canopies and unshaded...

Multi-Purpose Subsurface Drainage System for the Town of Saguache
The town of Saguache, Colorado had a high water table during the irrigation season that caused numerous problems within the town and resulted in high infiltration rates to the sewer system...

Agricultural Drainage Reuse in Agroforestry Systems
On the westside of California's San Joaquin Valley, agroforestry systems are being evaluated as a solution to the agricultural drainage problem. Eucalyptus tree plantations...

Estimation of Loading via Fingered Flow
Results of experimental investigations of fingered preferential flow are combined into a concise, conservative engineering methodology for predicting pollutant transport through fingered...

Flexible Irrigation Supply Pilot Projects?Part I: Principles
The principles are described (Part I) and illustrated with developing countries case studies (Part II) to present the techniques that economically permit the use of farmer controlled variable...

Design and Management of Drip Systems in Hawaii
In 1970, Hawaii's sugar industry began implementing drip irrigation to minimize labor requirements, improve water and nutrient application efficiencies, and maximize yields....

Adopted Drip Irrigation Technology for Developing Countries
Two low cost drip irrigation systems are presented. Even though the uniformity of these systems is not as high as the conventional drip systems, the initial and operating costs of the...





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