Some Proposals for Reducing Structural Failures
Illinois is one of the few states requiring a Structural Engineer's License: a P.E. alone is not enough to practice structural engineering there. Unfortunately, even in Illinois,...

Microcomputers: Do They Have a Place in Large Engineering Firms?
During the past few years, microcomputers have really begun to take hold in small consulting engineering firms. Less well known is the fact that microcomputers are also beginning to take...

Bibliography on Ocean Energy
With the prospect of an increasing shortage of energy resources, there has been a growing interest in renewable alternative sources of energy. An increasing effort is being directed towards...

Engineering Schools Respond to Financial Crisis
A mail survey of the 200-plus civil engineering departments at engineering schools asked each chairman for a case history of response to the financial and other crises facing the departments....

Environmental Engineering
The Proceedings of the 1982 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering includes papers on a broad spectrum of environmental issues. Over one hundred papers were presented addressing...

San Francisco Convention Center Goes Underground
The Moscone Convention Center, built at a construction cost of �126 million, opened its doors to an admiring public on December 2, 1981. The Center's grand exhibit hall, 90...

Law of the Sea: U.S. Votes No
The United States has voted against the international treaty which will regulate ocean and waterway passage, ocean mining, and fishing rights. Implications are far reaching as the precedents...

Chinese Engineer Completes Internship in U.S.
As part of a growing dialog between the People's Republic of China and the United States�and following the visit of an ASCE delegation to China in 1979�it was proposed that...

Getting Foreign Engineering Contracts
How does a firm enter the world market for design engineering contracts? Based on interviews with Walter Hutchin and Chester Lucas of the Inter-American Development Bank and Sverdrup &...

Firm's Management Approach Leads to 25% a Year Growth
The consulting engineering firm that would outlive its founders must grow to attract, develop and hold the professional and managerial talent necessary for survival. Growth must be based...

Engineering School Drives for National Leadership
Engineering programs in many universities are undergoing severe problems of limited space, too few faculty, burgeoning student enrollments, out-of-date laboratory equipment and inadequate...

Slope Stability Program
This article includes an entire computer program, written in BASIC computer language. The program is a simplified version of programs which have been written for large computer systems....

Jubail Industrial City: Engineering Monument
The seawater cooling project is a major innovation in engineering accomplishments. Here the project engineers discuss the key civil engineering aspects of the Jubail, Saudi Arabia project...

Engineering and Business
Converting Engineers to Businessmen
Business practices and the role of the engineer as manager are covered in the papers presented at a symposium on engineering management at the October, 1982 National Convention of the...

CE Interview: John Hernandez (Part II)
Since the Reagan administration took over the Environmental Protection Agency in 1981, there have been few decisions that have not stirred controversy. In the second part of an interview...

Are We Training Enough Civil Engineering Technicians?
A basic difficulty in the world of engineering education today is that we may be training too many B.S. engineers and not enough technicians and technologists. Presently, the total number...

Stimulating Creativity in the Civil Engineering Profession
A major activity missing from both civil engineering education and practice are means for stimulating creativity. Ideas for boosting creativity in the profession and discussed here are:...

Unified Soil Classification System
The most common soil classification method used by foundation engineers in the United States is A Standard Method for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes, ASTM D-2487, usually...

Nuclear Waste Management
This Task Committee report to the members of ASCE reviews the current technology and many of the key technical issues concerned with the long-term storage and disposal of high-level and...

Multiobjective Analysis in Water Resources
In these proceedings, multiple objective analysis is discussed in relation to water resources planning and management, watershed and river basin management, stormwater management and other...





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