Risk Analysis in Water Resources Engineering: Development and Application
Traditional engineering approaches for evaluating safety and performance in technical projects are usually based on conceptual modeling and the application of engineering standards. Risk...

Risk Assessment or Engineering Standards: Toward a Decision Framework
The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) publishes manuals, some of which include rules to be followed in the planning of a water resources project. Some of their other manuals simply suggest...

The Monitoring of Water Conservation Behavior and Attitudes in Southern California
Seldom are the effects of public information programs monitored and analyzed in a sound, systematic manner. Information on the impact of investments in public information programs is essential:...

Moving Toward a Probability-Based Risk Analysis of the Benefits and Costs of Major Rehabilitation Projects
By the year 2010, 77% of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's projects will be over 40 years old. The Corps wants to allocate its scarce rehabilitation funds in a cost-effective manner. To...

Aversion to Epistemic Uncertainties in Rational Decision Making: Effects on Engineering Risk Management
When faced with epistemic uncertainties in a decision problem, subjective expected-utility theory (SEU) implies that the only relevant characteristic of these uncertainties is the mean...

Optimal Flood Warning Threshold: A Case Study in Connellsville, Pennsylvania
A methodology for selecting an optimal flood-warning threshold has been developed by Haimes et al. (1990). The probabilistic evaluation of a forecast system coupled with a stochastic dynamic...

System Engineering and Risk
System engineering means many things to many people, but there is a large group of practicing engineers in the defense and energy sectors who define system engineering as a structured...

Reliability Analysis of Lunar Structures Under Meteoroid Impact
The United States is slowly moving towards lunar base, and possibly Mars base, activities. Design of structures for these bases requires knowledge about loadings and conditions which in...

A Probabilistic Regional Damage Estimation Model for Earthquake Occurrences
In this paper we present a model for estimating regional earthquake damage. The model utilizes the relational data base management system ORACLE and the geographic information system ARC/INFO...

Reliability-Centered Management of Wood Transmission Lines
Through implementing reliability-centered management concepts, more cost-effective management of wood pole transmission lines may be achieved. By identifying individual structures and...

Extended Kalman Filter-Finite Element for Geotechnical Problems
A parameter identification method has been developed in geotechnical engineering problems, where the extended Kalman filter-weighted local iteration procedure is developed incorporated...

Development of a Limit-State Seismic Code for Bridges
The catastrophic collapse of the Cypress Street Viaduct during the Loma Prieta earthquake of October 17, 1989 and the loss of spans in both the Struve Slough Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland...

Quantifying Uncertainty in Site Characterization
The uncertainties in determining the true geologic conditions at the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada needed to be determined as part of the Exploratory...

Evaluation of Expansive Clay Soils in Tucson, Arizona
Research was conducted to investigate the mineralogy, engineering properties, and regional distribution of expansive clay soils in Tucson, Arizona. Data derived from X-ray diffraction...

Site-Dependence of Spatial Coherency
The spatial coherency of ground motion from nine dense arrays are analyzed to examine the site-dependence of spatial coherency. The spatial coherencies computed for arrays located on alluvium...

Response of Suspension and Deck Arch Bridges to Spatially Varying Ground Motion
Recent awareness of the spatial variation of earthquake ground motion has caused concern about the safety of large engineered structures under seismic excitation. The effects of spatially...

Estimates of Extreme Wind Distribution Tails
The assumption that extreme winds have a Gumbel distribution appears to yield unrealistically high failure probability estimates for wind-sensitive structures. For this reason we study...

Digital Simulation of Wind Load Effects
The time domain solution of the equations of motion of structures subjected to a stochastic wind field is often obtained by a step-by-step integration approach. The loading is often described...

Comparison of Wind Cross-Spectral Data with Models
Existing analysis procedures for the prediction of long-span bridge response to wind have until recently neglected the horizontal-vertical cross-spectral components of the wind under the...

Non-Gaussian Vortex Induced Aeroelastic Vibrations under Gaussian Wind
The 'lock in' aeroelastic vibration phenomenon observed for random wind excitation is modeled in a way that allows the application of the Slepian model process tool to obtain an approximation...





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