Overview of Financial and Economic Considerations
The financial and economic analyses of plans to rehabilitate and automate irrigation water delivery systems are complex technical exercises that require the expertise of professional economists...

Financing Options for the Operation, Rehabilitation, and Automation of Irrigation Water Delivery Systems
The paper discusses potential sources of financing for irrigation improvements and outlines many methods for securing funds. Irrigators who are in need of funds to improve or repair their...

Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Rehabilitation Program
The Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District obtained funding from the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation and the State of Washington to replace an open canal and lateral irrigation delivery system...

Economic Analysis of Irrigation Rehabilitation Projects
This paper discusses the assessment of the costs and benefits of irrigation rehabilitation and modernization projects. It summarizes the methodology used at the World Bank to assess the...

The U.S. Geological Survey's National Real-Time Hydrologic Information System Using Goes Satellite Technology
The U. S. Geological Survey maintains the basic hydrologic data collection system for the United States. The Survey is upgrading the collection system with electronic communications technologies...

The NOS Experience in Real-Time Measurements of Tidal Currents
NOAA'S National Ocean Service (NOS) uses the term RADS, Remote Acoustic Doppler Sensing, for a new class of oceanographic instruments that uses acoustic backscatter to probe...

Simulation of Sediment Transport in Coastal Water
The sediment-contaminant transport code, FETRA, coupled with the hydrodynamic model, CAFE-I; and the wave refraction model, L03D; were applied to Pacific coastal water. The FETRA model...

Preliminary Engineering Design of an Artificial Tidal Lagoon System in Kuwait
A coastal resort project was planned for a 30 hectare site along the Arabian Gulf approximately 69 km south of Kuwait City at Dubaiyeh. The master plan, originally developed by Kuwait...

Carichar?Mobile Bed Modeling with Graded Sediments
CARICHAR is a new system used for the computation of sediment transport. The coupled calculation of both water and graded sediments transport allows the simulation of sorting and armoring...

Hydraulic Availability Evaluation of Urban Water Distribution Systems
This paper presents a concept for evaluating urban water system reliability using an extended period hydraulic simulation model in conjunction with mechanical availability analysis. Reliability...

Joint Consideration of Pipe Breakage and Pipe Flow Probabilities
Two issues of distribution network reliability, namely, probability of pipe failure and probability of the design flow being exceeded have been discussed. Expressions containing measures...

Optimal Design of Large Scale Water Distribution Systems
This paper presents a methodology for the design of least cost water distribution systems. The advantage of the formulation compared to the other techniques in the literature is that it...

Management of Water Distribution System Components
The purpose of this study is to 1) analyze main break failures and 2) incorporate other drinking water distribution system components into a data base management structure for reliability...

Water Distribution System Design by Chance-Constrained Model
The objective of this paper is to present an optimization model for the design of water distribution systems considering the uncertainty in required demands, required pressures, and pipe...

Analytical Simulation of Bulk Water Supply Network Reliability
The authors present an analytical method for estimating failure probabilities for a bulk water supply network with spatially dispersed supply, demand, and storage. The method examines...

Reliability Analysis of Pumping Stations and Storage Facilities
The methodology presented for pumping stations is based upon three models: a supply model, a demand model, and a margin model. The supply model considers so-called states of a system which...

Model for the Optimal Rehabilitation and Replacement of Water Distribution System Components
The objective of the model presented is to determine the minimum cost solution, given the nonlinear nature of the equations required to describe the cost and the hydraulics of a water...

Comparing Two Estuarine Mass Transport Models
Two simplified mass transport models for partially mixed estuaries were evaluated using data from the Patuxent and James Estuaries. The first of the models was developed by Pritchard in...

Basin: A Simple Yet Many Faceted Model for Estuarial Impoundments
BASIN is a hydrodynamic and water quality model designed to provide a simplified analysis of flows and constituent concentrations in both tidal and non-tidal water bodies. BASIN is excellent...

Network Analysis for Water Supply Reliability Determination
The availability of water at a point in a distribution network is expressed in terms of the reliabilities of the components which comprise the different paths to the point from the source....





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