Boston Blockbuster
The Central Artery/Tunnel project in Boston is probably the single largest publicly-funded transportation project in the country at present. The total cost will be between $8 and $10 billion...
The Return of Deep Soil Mixing
Deep soil mixing, a technique originally developed in the U.S. in the 1970s but virtually ignored because for cost reasons, is regaining acceptance here due in large part to mechanical...
Underground Contracts for the 21st Century
Noting that support for the guidelines for underground construction put forth by ASCE's Underground Technology Council has been eroding, the author addresses current issues...
High Over Shanghai
In response to difficult design conditions, Shanghai's Jin Mao Tower's structural system harmoniously mixes building materials and strategically places them to...
On Target: The Arrowhead East and West Tunnels
Two new water tunnels in Southern California will feature continuous impermeable linings, extensive probing and grouting, and unique seismic sections to minimize damage in fault zones...
Portland's Light Rail Goes Underground
A 29-km extension of Portland's first modern light rail system nears completion. The extension includes a 4.6 km twin-tunnel section and the deepest transit station in North...
Geotech Design Reports Get a Litmus Test
The perception among industry groups is that geotechnical design summary reports are not being used as originally intended. Can revisions and guidelines reduce the number of changed-conditions...
Blast Wall Bravura
Since the 1988 disaster on the Piper Alpha platform in the North Sea, which claimed 165 lives, legislation in the United Kingdom has required the operators of offshore installations to...
Guidelines for Evaluating the Performance of Highway Sound Barriers
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center, a CERF Service Center. This report presents the HITEC evaluation plan for U.S. Gypsum's...
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1995
ASCE Annual Combined Index 1995
The 1995 ASCE Annual Combined Index provides a guide to materials appearing in publications of ASCE published during 1995. This includes papers and technical notes from ASCE technical...
Journal of Bridge Engineering
The Journal of Bridge Engineering publishes papers about all aspects of the art and science of bridge engineering. The journal publishes research that advances the practice and profession of bridge engineering...
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
The Journal of Hydrologic Engineering disseminates information on the development of new hydrologic methods, theories, and applications to current engineering problems. The journal publishes papers on...
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
The Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction publishes articles about practical solutions to structural design problems and construction challenges of interest to practitioners. Articles...
Evaluation Findings of the Troxler Model 4430 Water/Cement Gauge
HITEC Report 96-03-TA: Technical Appendix
This technical appendix documents the details of the work (e.g. test data, mix designs, statistical analyses)....
Calendar: Bridges 1997
Featured bridges are: Chouteau Bridge (MO); Torrens Avenue Bridge (IL); Wadell .A. Truss (MO); Michigan Avenue Bridge (IL); Roosevelt Bridge (IL); Benjamin Thrailkill Bridge (SC); Seventh...
Roads and Airfields in Cold Regions
This state-of-the-practice report on the design and development of roads and airfields is the eighth monograph in a series prepared by the Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering...
Future Growth Planning
The single most important goal of most firms is to grow. Even if yourfirm has remained static in size, you must have some growth to maintain yourfirm's market share in order...
Marketing Planning
Marketing planning has various stages of sophistication within aprofessional consulting firm. The degree to which planning is conducted andthe complexity typically relates directly to...
Market Research
In order to have an effective marketing program you should only solicit prospects who really need your services, who are genuinely interested in doing business with you, and who have the...
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