Evaluation and Upgrading of Wood Structures
Case Studies
The need to evaluate and upgrade existing wood structures stems from concerns of safety and serviceability. These concerns are caused for a variety of reasons which include plans for continued...

Building on Water
During the last century, innovations in concrete have paved the way for the evolution of marine concrete structures. Oakland's proposed Carnation Container Terminal is using...

Wharf Stands on Stone Columns
A wharf was constructed in New Orleans on very weak soils. To prevent lateral and vertical movement of the soil, normally the entire wharf and adjacent structure would be founded on steel...

Influence of Artificial Island Side-Slopes on Ice Ride-Up and Pile-Up
An artificial island slope protection scheme must be able to inhibit ice ride-up and pile-up in order to minimize operational interruptions. The prediction of ice ride-up and pile-up mechanisms...

Centrifugal Modeling of Ice Forces on Single Piles
The ice forces and ice floe failure mechanisms associated with an ice sheet surrounding a vertical cylindrical pile were evaluated. A test system was developed to model ice forces in gravity...

Structural Solutions for the Enhancement of Gravity Foundations on Very Soft Arctic Soils
Very soft soils in several offshore Arctic areas cause a major concern in the design of gravity foundations, particularly in view of the high magnitudes of ice loads. Preliminary studies...

Pile Creep Designs for Frozen Layered Profiles
A concept of relative creep stiffness suitable for the evaluation of the long-term, uniform creep behavior of non-ice type, frozen soils is presented. This concept extends the current...

Creep Rate Analysis of Pile Load Test Data
The uniform creep behavior of five driven piles and one slurried pile based on pile load test data are presented and analyzed. The incremental static load tests carried out by ARCO, Alaska...

Research Challenges in Frozen Ground Pile Design
A fairly recent pile design analysis is reviewed. The influence of such factors as temperature, salinity, loading, etc. on frozen ground pile design is pointed out. Since many facets of...

Evaluation of Structures by Dynamic Load Testing
The Frequency Sweep Method for the evaluation of structures by dynamic load testing was developed by the senior author. It is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method that was originally...

Standards for Pile Load Tests in Permafrost
A requirement exists to establish standard procedures for conducting pile load tests in permanently frozen soils. The methods outlined in the ASTM Standards for piles in thawed soils do...

Attenuating Creep of Piles in Frozen Soils
Results of several long-term creep tests of piles in frozen soils are analyzed; the primary or attenuating creep is predominant in most cases. For effective design of pile foundations...

Snow Effects on Pile Design Temperatures
The construction of North Slope aboveground pipelines and gathering lines is generally from snow workpads constructed proximate to existing access roadways. The pile support centerline...

Geotechnical Behavior of Underreams in Pleistocene Clay
Enlarged bases are often constructed in cylindrical drilled-and-cast-in-situ foundation elements (footings, bored piles) to increase their capacity. Enlarged bases that are cut mechanically...

Review of Repeated Axial Load Tests on Deep Foundations
A review of the literature is presented on the axial capacity of deep foundations subjected to repeated loads. Data are summarized on anchors, driven piles, and drilled shafts. In general,...

Foundations in Permafrost and Seasonal Frost
The papers in this volume cover the following subject areas: A method that utilizes a decision matrix diagram for selecting the most suitable and economical foundations for construction...

Drilled Piers and Caissons II
Drilled piers or caissons, also called drilled shafts or bored piles, have long been a very cost effective foundation solution for many soil profile and load situations. A distinct advantage...

Unique Installation Methods for Large Interceptor in Poor Soil Conditions
The construction of approximately 1. 5 miles of a major sewer interceptor in downtown Boston encountered some unique construction challenges. The entire route required dewatering during...

Instrumentation for an Uplifting Ice Force Model
Pile-supported, light duty structures are especially vulnerable to the uplifting forces. To evaluate the parameters that control the magnitude of the uplifting force a laboratory model...

Design of Guideway Substructure Dada County METROMOVER
This paper describes the procedures and parameters used for the design of the guideway substructure for the Dade County METROMOVER system. The substructure for this work is defined to...





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