Observation of the Post-Construction Performance of a System of Groins along an Eroding Beach
A system of six groins was constructed along an eroding coast of reversing sediment transport. This paper describes the performance of the groin system in terms of the evolution of the...

Comparison of Model and Field Results for Barbers Point Harbor
As waves travel into harbors from deep water, nonlinear processes lead to transfers of energy from the wind wave frequencies to long waves with periods of the order of several minutes....

Numerical Modeling of Proposed Kawaihae Harbor, HI
The Kawaihae shallow-draft harbor site is located on the northwest coast of the island of Hawaii, HI. An entrance channel, turning basin, and breakwater currently exist at the harbor site....

Inner Harbor Wave Conditions due to Breakwater Overtopping
The results of this study have important application to the design of small boat marinas protected from incident waves by breakwaters that may be overtopped during extreme wave events....

Wave Barriers: An Environmentally Benign Alternative
This paper describes the history and development of the environmental wave barrier and the current planning and design being undertaken for a major expansion of the small boat harbor at...

Design, Construction, and Performance of a Baffled Breakwater
The Spud Point Marina breakwater is located within Bodega Harbor, a protected embayment on the northern California coast. Waves are attenuated by baffle panels hung between support piles....

Longshore Sediment Transport Rate at Morro Bay, CA
Estimates of sediment transport rate in the vicinity of Morro Bay Harbor are needed as part of an investigation of possible modifications to the existing Federal project. Because the site...

Wave Forecasting for Construction in Mobile Bay
Wave heights were forecast for day-to-day pipeline construction operations in the Main Pass area of Mobile Bay. A low-cost forecasting procedure was developed using the wave generation...

The Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Project
The Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Project consisted of relocating and enlarging the outlet of a relatively narrow, shallow flood control channel in Southern California. Noteworthy aspects...

Construction on Wisconsin's Lake Michigan Coast
This paper provides a preliminary evaluation of a set of 100 residential properties along Wisconsin's Lake Michigan coast; an examination of the vulnerability of coastal homes and adequacy...

Dutch Experience on Design of Dikes and Revetments
The increased demand for reliable design methods for protecting structures has resulted in The Netherlands in preparing a set of design guidelines for design of dikes and revetments. The...

Development of Detached Breakwater Design Criteria Using a Shoreline Response Model
An evaluation of beach response to detached breakwaters was conducted using the numerical shoreline response model GENESIS. Functional design parameters such as structure length, gap distance,...

A Design Manual for Coastal Fluidization Systems
This paper summarizes a recently completed design manual on fluidization systems to manage sand in the coastal environment for sand bypassing at inlets and harbor mouths and for creating...

Robust Approach to Wave Runup Calculation
Wind wave runup on a natural beach is examined for the case of an irregular wave forcing function. A pragmatic approach to the calculation of the runup time series and the corresponding...

Remote Automated Wave and Water Level Monitoring System Deployed at Agat Harbor, Guam
Agat Harbor, Guam is a small boat harbor excavated from a coral reef flat and protected by a detached breakwater. An automated monitoring system was designed and installed to observe wave...

Passive Acoustic Emission for Quantitative Evaluation of Freeze Thaw and Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concretes
Several experiments are reported in which the progression of freeze thaw (FT), alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR), and internal cracking caused by mechanical loading were monitored using...

Damage Assessment in Concrete Using Acoustic Emission
An acoustic emission (AE) is a localized rapid release of strain energy in a stressed material. This energy release causes stress waves to propagate through the specimen. These acoustic...

Study of Three Dimensional Crack Tip Location of Mortar by Acoustic Emission
Plain mortar specimens were tested under three-point bending. Experimental variables include the width of the specimen and the notch-to-depth ratio. The experimental results of 12 specimens...

Sonic NDE of Structural Concrete
Case histories are presented to illustrate applications of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods that use stress waves to characterize the conditions of concrete construction. The case...

A Critique of the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method for Testing Concrete
The pulse velocity method is the most widely used ultrasonic nondestructive method for assessing concrete quality. However, it has been well established that the relation between ultrasonic...





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