Simulation of the Dynamic Traffic Flow on Urban Road Network
Methods of performing dynamic traffic assignment are needed to simulate traffic conditions on urban highways during peak periods of congestion. In this paper, the route choice behavior...

Lag Relations for Semi-Arid Regions and Urban Areas
The use of synthetic unit hydrographs often requires the estimation of lag or other travel time parameters. Several procedures are available for estimating such unit hydrograph parameters....

Adapting BMPs to California Hydrology and Climatology
The State of California has the most diverse hydrology and climatology in the United States. It boasts the highest and lowest elevations in the continental U.S. and annual rainfall varies...

Simulation of Changes in Storm-Runoff Characteristics, Perris Valley, California
The population of Perris Valley, California, has increased from about 20,000 in 1970 to more than 130,000 in 1992. Increased urbanization in Perris Valley since 1970 has produced appreciable...

Impact of Urbanization on Storm Runoff
The engineering design of hydraulic structures is directly associated with the estimation of design parameters connected with extreme events. Methods of estimating extreme events typically...

Storm Sewer Analysis & Design Utilizing Hydrographs
In this paper a computer model, designated STORM.HYD, for the analysis and design of storm sewer systems utilizing a hydrograph procedure is presented and discussed. This model which actually...

Future Urbanization Effects on Occoquan Dam PMF
The Fairfax County Water Authority's Occoquan dam, in northern Virginia, are being anchored at a cost of about $2 million. The reason is to increase stability due to an increased PMF estimate...

HEC's Project Benefit Accomplishment Program
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) has developed a new computer program which computes flood damage and project benefit accomplishment. It calculates...

Without Water Transfers, Cities will Thirst
California will have to depend on water transfers from agricultural areas for at least the next ten years to supply water needed for increasing municipal and industrial (urban) uses. California's...

OCEA Goes Green
While spanning the range of civil engineering work, most of the nominees for this year's Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award were either designed to clean the...

London Linkage
Although it measures just 1.8 km, the Limehouse Link tunnel in London is both a complex engineering project and a gateway to urban renewal. The link is a $350 million highway tunnel connecting...

Urban Storm Water Instrumentation: a Field Observation
The Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas metroplex has 7 cities with populations of at least 100,000 that are required to meet national Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements...

Operation of a Real-Time Warning System for Debris Flows in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Weather Service (NWS) have developed an operational warning system for debris flows during severe rainstorms in the San Francisco...

Estimation of Reliability Parameters for Rehabilitation of Pipelines
This paper presents fundamental principles of estimating statistical characteristics of the elements of urban underground infrastructure networks, which provides a basis of statistical...

Predictive Model Aids in Development of Systemwide Rehabilitation Program
Effective management of urban infrastructure requires accurate assessment of system-wide condition. Working with the City of San Jose, CH2M HILL has developed a computer model to provide...

PMS Implementation: Guidelines and Lessons Learned
Pavement management has emerged throughout the 1980s as an accepted tool to assist engineers in planning their pavement rehabilitation needs. Boosted by the support of the Federal Government...

Canadian Pavement Management Systems
A large portion of the investment in Canada's road system is in pavement structures. In the 1960's a coordinated national effort toward protecting the investment, through good pavement...

Trip Rates Adjustments for Impact Assessment and Congestion Management
Evidence that all urban trips are not equal and that trip rates need to be adjusted to reflect the differential contribution of trips to traffic loads and congestion is presented. Adjustments...

Wetland Conservation Plans as Contexts for Transportation Planning
Construction of major, new roadways, particularly in metropolitan areas, initiates subsidiary affects that impact the environment in a variety of ways and increasingly over time. Not the...

An Introduction to APM Systems and Applications
An Automated People Mover (APM) is an advanced transportation system in which automated driveless vehicles operate on fixed guideways in exclusive rights-of-way. These differ from other...





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