Planning of CAE and CADD Centers
The factors to be considered prior to the establishment of computer aided engineering or computer aided design and drafting centers are discussed. It is noted that the critical issues...

Engineer-Constructor Experience with Computer Aided Design and Engineering
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation has used CAD/CAE equipment since 1974 and has developed organizations and procedures for integrating the technology into the design process....

Prediction of Peat Settlement
Compression of peat and organic clay deposits is characterized using a simple rheological model in which structural viscosity is assumed to be linear. The model utilizes three empirical...

Current Hydraulics Research at the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research
The Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research is engaged in fundamental and applied research on a broad range of fluid mechanics and hydraulics problems. The history and organization of the...

Applications of Small Computers in Construction
These proceedings are from a technical session sponsored by the Task Committee on the Application of Small Computers in Construction of the Construction Division. Five papers are presented....

Management Planning for Survival and Growth
Essential factors in company growth are the identification of client needs and wants and recognition of the needs and constraints of the organization. Successes are generated by timely,...

Practical Guidelines for the Selection, Design and Installation of Piles
This report provides an objective practical basis for the design and construction of pile foundations. Potential problems and uncertainties in pile design and construction are emphasized....

The Early Days: Tips for the Entry Level Engineer
Participation in ASCE affairs offers an outlet for professional expression and recognition not otherwise available to entry level engineers. In his first engineering assignments the recent...

Organizational Adaptation to Small Computers
The organizational changes associated with the introduction of mini- and micro-computers into firms in the construction industry is addressed in this paper. A review of the general management...

Introductory Manual on Computer Services
The role of computers in civil engineering is discussed including an overview of computer use, and comparisons of expectations, advantages, and shortcomings of computer use. Future technical...

Improving Productivity
The papers presented in this publication discuss the different levels within an organization for improving productivity. The three main areas covered include: (1) Tracking and controlling...

The Potential for Small-Scale Hydro in Developing Countries
The author attempts to define a market that has been traditionally ignored by U.S. design firms. As a result, the Europeans, Chinese and Japanese have taken the lead in engineering and...

Washington Office of the American Society of Civil Engineers
The mission, organization, and major public policy activities of the American Society of Civil Engineers are described. Emphasis is given to the ASCE Washington Office and its relation...

Emerging High Performance Structural Plastic Technology
Structural plastics have forced their growth by better performance over conventional materials in hostile environments. Demand by industry for increased life of process equipment and structures...

Managing Liability
The Individual's Challenge, the Organization's Challenge, the Project Manager's Challenge
These proceedings are the papers presented during the 1982 Spring Convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers to determine how engineers can live with, manage, and limit liability....

Controlling Productivity at a Hazardous Waste Site
The hazards associated with waste disposal sites can make estimating the resources required for a remedial action difficult. During the recent clean-up of a dioxin disposal site, the manpower...

Effective Management of Engineering Design
Basic tools and strategies for managing the design function was the focus of the Engineering Management Division's Specialty Conference. Its objective is to have each participant...

ASTM�Number One in Consensus Standards
The biggest of the private standards writing organizations, the American Society for Testing and Materials is profiled. Originally a writer of materials specifications, ASTM has grown...

Now Underway: In-depth Probe of Key Factors Construction Productivity
A New York based industry group is now in the process of doing an in-depth study of key problems facing the American construction industry�and what can be done to alleviate these problems....

Productivity Engineering is Task Management
Productivity is a fashionable word of the 1980s, but the concepts of productivity engineering and the gains made in motivation and organizational behavior are based on many techniques...





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