Economic Impacts of Storm Sewer Design Criteria
This paper discusses the selection of storm sewer design criteria and the resulting economic impacts. Using the Rational Method for calculating design flows, an investigation was made...

The Water Erosion Prediction Project: Model Overview
A new generation of water erosion prediction technology is being developed by the USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The WEPP models are a new erosion prediction technology...

Flood Warning Using Wide-Area Computer Networks
Wide-area computer networks are being used with increasing frequency to improve regional response to flood events, coordinate efforts between agencies and communities, and to improve flood...

Computer Control of Houston's Water System
The City of Houston's Central Surveillance and Control System utilizes dual host computers and over 100 'smart' Remote Terminal Units to control...

Bed Topography and Sorting in Alluvial Channel Bends
A quasi-three-dimensional model has been developed for the purpose of calculating the velocity distribution, the bed topography and sediment sorting along channel bends. The depth-averaged...

Groins and Vanes Developed Basing Upon a New Concept of Bank Protection
At curved bends, scour at the outer bank always accompanies deposition at the inner bank. A highly efficient river course for flood flow is considered to have a small lateral gradient...

Statistical Frequency Analysis of Flood Records
The U.S. Geological Survey, like other Federal agencies, uses Hydrology Subcommittee Bulletin 17 for guidance in statistical frequency analysis of flood records. This paper describes the...

Regionalization of Flood Characteristics
Regionalization procedures are used to transfer flood characteristics from gaged to ungaged locations. These procedures are an extension of the gaging network that allows planners and...

Urban Flood Frequency and Hydrograph Analysis
A set of seven-parameter regression equations was developed for estimating flood discharges at ungaged areas. The regression equations can be used to estimate urban flood discharges throughout...

Plans for National Flood Frequency by Microcomputer
Work is underway on a planned microcomputer program that will include about 1500 prediction equations for 214 flood regions of the United States and Puerto Rico. The program will include...

Effects of Vegetation on Floods at Four Arizona Sites
Four examples show the effect of vegetation on stage, discharge or frequency of floods. An 8-year growth of trees on the streambed at site 1 increased channel roughness enough to cause...

Models vs. Methods in Urban Drainage Calculation
This paper summarizes the findings of a recent study at Penn State aimed at recommended hydrologic techniques for small developing watersheds. The specific desk-top methods investigated...

Estimating Urban Flood-Frequency Characteristics
Methods in use by the U.S. Geological Survey to estimate flood-frequency characteristics for urban watersheds are compared with estimates based on the Soil Conservation Service TR-55 model....

Urban Watershed Data for the United States
The contents of an urban watershed data base compiled for a national urban flood-frequency study by the U.S. Geological Survey are described. The data base includes information for 269...

Probabilities of Hydrologic Extremes and Risk Analysis
Extreme floods of very low probabilities, e.g., 10-6 and 10-7, are estimated using data on annual flood peaks...

Joint Probability Calculation of Storm Depths
A methodology is presented to estimate exceedance probabilities of rainfall depths over large areas using joint probability. The joint probability estimate combines the frequency distribution...

Extreme Flood Probability Estimates in Practice
Selecting the safety design flood for a dam or siting structures where flooding would cause severe social or economic disruption requires balancing the likelihood and consequences of failure...

Simulation of Precipitation by Weather-Type Analysis
A new approach that uses weather-type analysis as a basis for stochastic precipitation modeling was developed and tested for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The weather types permit the identification...

Effects of Runoff Changes and Sea Level Rise on Salinity in the Delaware River Estuary
The objective of this study is to investigate changes in the spatial distribution of salt in the Delaware Estuary resulting from climate induced changes in freshwater inflows and in the...

Technical Considerations in Numerical Modeling of Pressure Reducing Valves in Water Distribution Systems
In large water distribution networks, pressure reducing valves (PRVs) are common water appurtenances. However, there are difficulties in representing them when using the Hazen-Williams...





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