County Hydrology, Regional Approach
The effort to update the regional hydrology methods of the Santa Clara Valley Water District (District) entails a series of tasks that are long and difficult. This paper enumerates the...

River Characteristics of the Blue Nile Watershed
A common difficulty in modeling hydrological systems is the lack of available field data to assess the model parameters. In some cases, it is physically very difficult and expensive to...

Linear Pertubation Model: An Application to Tanzanian Catchments
Floods are still a problem to many countries in the world todate. Floods do cause damage to property and sometimes loss to human life. Flood control measures by structural and non-structural...

HEC's Project Benefit Accomplishment Program
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) has developed a new computer program which computes flood damage and project benefit accomplishment. It calculates...

Large Flood Plains Modeling by a Cell Scheme: Application to the Pantanal of Mato Grosso
The computational modeling of large flood plains presents difficulties related to the mathematical approach of the phenomenon and also to the discretization of the area under study. In...

Regulatory Obstacles to Emergency Response, A Case Study of the Paint Fire, June 1990, Santa Barbara, California
After the Paint Fire of 1990, the Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District took several measures to prevent damage due to mudslides and floods from the burned...

Simulation of Rapid Reservoir Drawdown for Flood Control, Cowlitz Falls Project
The Cowlitz Falls Dam is a run-of-river project, currently under construction on the Cowlitz River in Washington State, 23 Km downstream from the town of Randle. The requirements for reservoir...

Sedimentation and Flood Protection for the Lower Yellow River
The Lower Yellow River is known for its disastrous floods in the past. After 4 decades without major floodings, rapid economic and population growths along the River have drew concerns...

Dune Profiles Before and After Storm Events in Coastal Massachusetts
It is well known that short-term changes in dune profiles can have a major effect on the severity of storm damage to coastal areas. In light of this, the standardized methodology developed...

Uncertainties of Tailwater in an Inundation Study: Dam Upgrade Optimization for Hazard Reduction
When an upgrade is required for a dam with an inadequate spillway system, the potential impact of tailwater during an extreme storm in an inundation study should be considered. This paper...

Federal Levee Effects on Flood Heights Near St. Louis
A physical model of the Middle Mississippi River was used to perform quantitative analyses of Federal levee effects on flood heights. Contrary to some opinions of the general public, these...

Case History: 100-Year Flood Event in San Francisco
San Francisco experienced a 100-year storm in the winter of 1981-2. This is a report of the flooding damage from this event and the actions that the City took to resolve the flooding problems....

Bartlett Dam Fuseplug Auxiliary Spillway
Bartlett Dam is located approximately 77 km northeast of Phoenix, Arizona on the Verde River. The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has determined that the structure is not capable of...

Current Legal Issues in Sedimentation
This paper represents the updating of Chapter 7 for Manual 54. There has been considerable change in legal rulings and precedent law since the first edition of Manual 54. Many of these...

Multi-Disciplinary Strategies for Flood-Plain Restoration at the River Rhine
Within the scope of a multi-disciplinary concept, aims and measures of ecological and water resources management at the river Rhine in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) are analyzed. Especially,...

Reclamation's Design Process of Early Warning Systems for Dam Safety
This paper discusses the Bureau of Reclamation's process for designing the detection and decision making components of an Early Warning System (EWS) for dams with hydrologic deficiencies....

Yolo Bypass Wetlands?Impact Investigation
Approximately 20 square kilometers of wetland facilities are proposed to be installed within the Yolo Bypass of the Sacramento River Flood Control Project. A hydraulic impact investigation...

Bridge Abutment Scour in a Floodplain
Recent bridge failures due to pier and abutment scour have reinforced the need for better methods of scour prediction. This paper addresses the problem of prediction of clear-water scour...

Effect of Grain Size on Sediment Transport Calculations
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently developing a `Hydraulic Design Package for Flood Control Channels' (SAM). SAM is capable of computing sediment rating curves and stable channel...

Preliminary Studies of Pressure Flow Scour
Bridges that become inundated during floods have slightly pressurized flow that impacts bridge piers and creates an aggravated scour condition. Results of two preliminary laboratory studies...





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