Energy Education in the Higher Education Systems of California
At San Francisco State University and the University of California, Santa Barbara there is an energy course: Societal Problems of Energy that is designed for non-science majors. The course...

Design & Operational Experience of the NUHOMS?-24P Spent Fuel Storage System
The NUHOMS Spent Fuel Storage System provides a safe and economical method for the dry storage of spent fuel assemblies either at an at-reactor Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation...

The Role of Effective Communications in Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensing
Communications are essential to the licensing and general regulatory program of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This paper attempts to identify and address certain aspects of, and approaches...

Potential Uses of Lead in Nuclear Waste Disposal
In order for lead to be considered as a nuclear waste packaging material, it must be shown that it has adequate corrosion resistance, and that it does not degrade the properties of other...

Apparent and Simple Diffusion Coefficients in Compacted Bentonite
Diffusion coefficients were experimentally determined in bentonite to evaluate the effectiveness of bentonite layers as a diffusion barrier to ionic transport away from high-level radioactive...

A High-Level Waste Repository Performance Assessment Methodology
This project was sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute to examine methods that coordinate information from various disciplines to present an integrated perspective on the...

Accurate Response Analysis of Seismic Distributed Mass Systems
A dynamic analysis technique of distributed mass structures is presented with a combination of the dynamic load factor approach and the dynamic stiffness matrix method. The dynamic stiffness...

An Electronic Specification for the Earthquake Resistance Design of the Highway Bridges in Pennsylvania
An interactive C program for the seismic design of highway bridges in the state of Pennsylvania is described in this paper. The program was developed in C language on a personal computer....

Computer Implementation of Seismic Building Codes
The objective of this work is to implement the provisions of building codes current in the U.S. as well as those of other countries for the seismic resistant design of buildings. The work...

Macro-Model for Inelastic Low-Rise R.C. Shear Walls
This paper presents an analytical technique for calculating static and seismic response of low-rise shear wall structures. The displacement response is resulting from bending, shear, and...

Stiffness Optimization Methods for Lateral Systems of Buildings: A Theoretical Basis
The sizing of the members of the lateral resistance system for multi-story buildings is often controlled by stiffness requirements. In order to achieve economical buildings, it is important...

Recent Studies on the Optimal Operation of Reservoir Systems in China
Many researchers and engineers have examined the problem of optimal operation of hydro-electric systems in order to exploit the potential of electric power generation. At the same time,...

Estimating Power Plant Cooling Water Demand
The Fayette Power Project (FPP) includes three generation units, with more than 1,500 megawatts of generating capacity, supplying electricity to more than a million Central Texans. The...

System Identification Techniques for Inelastic Structures
A classical optimization algorithm is used to identify the parameters of a smooth hysteretic restoring force model, which can be used to describe the inelastic behavior of structures under...

Inspection Goes High Tech
Many believe that rehabilitation of the existing infrastructure�not net construction�will dominate the 1990s. Therefore, accurate condition assessment is crucial, since public works agencies...

Watertight and Earthquake Resistant Joints for Diaphragm Walls
Different types of joints were constructed and tested in the field to evaluate the bond between concrete and partition plate, the effect of tremie pipe location to the quality of concrete...

Hurricane Hugo vs Critical Lifelines
Hurricane Hugo significantly affected the performance of critical lifelines in South and North Carolina. An overview of the performance of power supply, transportation, communication,...

Report on Hurricane Hugo and the Response to It by South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
The South Carolina Electric Gas And Company's response to the disaster began even before Hugo Struck. Company employees began preparing for the predicted onslaught. Workers...

Surviving the Storm: Building Codes and the Reduction of Hurricane Damage
The link between adequate building codes, enforcement, and the level of damage experienced in major hurricanes was examined in a 1989 study by AIRAC, a public policy research group sponsored...

Coastal Management's Role in Seismic Safety?Political Lessons from California's 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) -- the first coastal management agency in the United States --has been involved in seismic safety since the Commission...





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