Evaluation of the Tricon Retained Soil Wall System
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center, a CERF/IIEC Innovation Center. This report describes a HITEC evaluation designed to...

Evaluation of the Maccaferri Terramesh System Retaining Wall
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC), a CERF/IIEC Innovation Center. This report describes a HITEC evaluation designed...

Degrees of Belief
Subjective Probability and Engineering Judgment
Degrees of Belief artfully weaves together three elements at the very core of engineering: uncertainties in knowledge, inductive reasoning,...

How to Work Effectively with Consulting Engineers
Getting the Best Project at the Right Price for Your Public Constituents
This manual is a comprehensive revision of the previous edition that addresses the procurement of engineering services for a quality project. It outlines the functions of the consulting...

Rising Tide
In an effort to accommodate a new light-rail system in New Jersey between Camden and Trenton, the state's Department of Transportation began the formidable task of enhancing...

Crossing the Yangtze
The Nanjing Second Yangtze River Bridge, which links two parts of the city of Nanjing, features the first use of an epoxy asphalt deck pavement in China and one of the longest cable-stayed...

Changing Lanes
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) plans to relocate Interstate 195 in downtown Providence began as a safety improvement project but has since grown into an ambitious...

Water for Ahwatukee
Scheduled for completion in August, the South Mountain Water Facilities pipeline will increase drinking water capacity to the community of Ahwatukee Foothills, a rapidly growing south...

Preserving Pisa's Treasure
Pisa's bell tower, a prime example of Romanesque architecture, would be renowned even if it did not lean. Construction of the tower began in 1173 and was not completed until...

The Submarine Mission
A new Navy engineering and support facility for submarines has been designed and constructed at Lake Pend Oreille, near Bayview, Idaho. The project includes a bridge approach to the facility,...

Berm Breakwaters?Design, Construction and Monitoring
The philosophy of the fieldwork of Berm breakwaters was applied in Iceland. A few case histories were described with emphasis on quarry investigations, design, construction and monitoring....

Design and Construction of the Pier J Breakwaters at the Port of Long Beach, California
Several different alternatives to mitigate surge activity were investigated. The most acceptable solution was a pair of new breakwaters that altered the basin geometry to change the basin...

Construction Factors and Monitoring Methods Relating to the Performance of Ventura Breakwater Core Loc Repair
In 1999 the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) repaired the north Ventura breakwater head. The head was rebuilt using 2-ton underlayer stone armored with...

St. George Habor?Berm Breakwater Construction Considerations
During the period 1984-1987 three berm breakwaters with a total length of approximately 800 meters were constructed at St. George Harbor on St. George Island in the Pribil of Chain of...

Predicted Service Life of Armor Stone: A Case History
Laboratory testing for determination of true rock quality in terms of expected performance is not clear-cut, may be misleading, and requires extensive interpretation by an expert. This...

Big Idea
The reconstruction of the Big I�the intersection of interstate routes 25 and 40 in Albuquerque that was named for its appearance from the sky�was likely to disrupt commuters and interstate...

After the Flood
In June 2001, Tropical Storm Allison struck Texas, subjecting the Houston area to one of the most destructive floods in U.S. history. As part of the recovery effort, the Federal Emergency...

Geotechnical Aspects of Beach Restoration
Large-scale beach restoration undertaken by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Florida requires millions of cubic yards of beach quality sand. Exploration for these sand resources starts...

Testing a Multi-Tiered Stress-Gradient Model for Risk Assessment Using Sediment Constituents from Coral Reef Environments
Coral reefs are threatened worldwide by stresses ranging from local to global in extent. Local stresses range from boat/ship groundings and sewage outfalls to dredging and coastal clearing....

Weighing the Options
A unique sludge pipeline replacement project in Colorado gave the engineers and the owner an opportunity to compare the merits of three different project delivery methods....





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