Traffic and Lead Pollution on Lake Maracaibo's Western Coast
This project focused on Nerium Oleander (NO) (Berberia), an ornamental plant. Chemical analyses (acid digestion and atomic absorption spectrophotometry) of the plant's tissue and the soil...

NOAA, Bioassessment Techniques and the Superfund Process
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) assessments of SUperfund sites require an evaluation of whether contaminants are present in an aquatic environment of concern,...

Contaminant Trends in the Southern California Bight: The Coast is Cleaner
Data from local, regional and federal coastal monitoring programs were used to assess long-term trends and spatial extent of chemical contamination in sediments, shellfish, and fish of...

Pre-Spill Planning for Natural Resource Damage Assessments
The effectiveness of the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process for oil and chemical spills can be improved by planning and coordination among natural resource trustees before...

Bioaccumulation in Mussels Caged in Alamitos Bay, CA
Alamitos Bay is a coastal embayment located in the southern portion of the highly urbanized Los Angeles basin. There is concern of the potential for contamination stemming from urban non-point...

The NS&T National Benthic Surveillance Project: Contaminants in Fish Tissues
The National Benthic Surveillance Project, part of NOAA's National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program, has been regularly measuring more than 70 contaminants in liver tissue of selected...

Environmental Impacts of Human Activities on the Coastal Areas of Nigeria
Nigeria has a coastline of approximately 800 km and the coastal areas support a myriad of economic activities as well as a large population. This paper reviews the geology, geomorphology,...

An Integrated Software System for 3DFEMWATER: A 3D Grid Generator, A Graphical Post-Processor, and Additional Analysis Tools
An integrated software system for 3DFEMWATER has been developed to improve the groundwater flow modeling process. The system generates finite-element grids, graphically portrays simulation...

Modeling Two-Dimensional Subsurface Flow, Fate and Transport of Microbes and Chemicals
A two-dimensional model to simulate the subsurface flow, microbial growth-degradation, and transport and biodegradation of chemicals in groundwater environments (2DFATMIC) is developed....

A Two-Dimensional Flow and Hydrogeochemical Transport Model
A two-dimensional flow and hydrogeochemical transport model is designed for estimating the movement and attenuation of chemicals after they are released into subsurface systems. This model...

Impact of Digital Elevation Model Grid Size on Extracted Drainage Parameters
The dependence of extracted drainage network properties on the spatial resolution of DEMs is investigated for a study basin. A series of raster DEMs of increasing cell size is generated...

3D-Simulation of the Twin Lake Tracer Test
The 1983 Twin Lake tracer test was simulated using a three-dimensional finite element model. The model was calibrated comparing calculated and measured piezometric heads as well as vertical...

Adjustment of Groundwater Quality Models
Groundwater quality models have been used lately in solving cases dealing with groundwater flow and pollutant transport problems. Finite element method is used in such problems and is...

Anisotropic Effects on Flow from a Recirculation Well
We examined flow in an unconfined aquifer near a recirculation well, which consists of a source and a sink of equal strength, with emphasis on understanding the effects of anisotropy....

In-Situ Bioremediation Using a Recirculation Well
An existing model (Semprini and McCarty, 1991; 1992) of in-situ bioremediation using methanotrophic bacteria for degradation of volatile organic compounds was modified to simulate use...

Primary Metals and Criteria for Water use in the Columbia River, British Columbia
We assessed primarily concentrations of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and water hardness in the Columbia River between Birchbank and Waneta. Water quality in this reach of the river is affected...

Pond Water, Sediment and Crystal Chemistry
The chemistry of pond waters is characterized with respect to TDS, major solute species and trace elements. Similar chemical characteristics are presented for pond bottom sediments as...

Food-Chain Transfer of Trace Elements to Wildlife
Trace elements in agricultural subsurface drainage water may bioaccumulate in wildlife through their feeding on organisms living in evaporation ponds or other habitats that receive the...

Electro-Osmotic Removal of Nitrates from Soils
Nitrate migration to ground and surface waters is a serious U.S. contamination threat. Electro-osmosis may be a more effective means for soil reclamation than leaching or chemical treatment....

Subsurface Drip Irrigation Can Reduce Pollution
Several researchers have indicated that precise subsurface drip (SSD) application of irrigation water can be effectively used to reduce pollution of the aquifer when irrigating with reclaimed...





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