Neyrtec Automatic Equipment for Irrigation Canals
The French Company ALSTHOM has developed a line of simple equipment for automatic level control and constant discharge control in canal irrigation systems. The paper includes a description...

Controlled-leak Methods for Water Level Control
The controlled-leak methods are a group of similar techniques for controlling upstream water levels, downstream water levels, or offtake canal discharges. They require no electrical power...

Automated Water Control in Southern Alberta
The distributed control system for water delivery that has evolved in Alberta, Canada is described including the type of hardware used and the general operating philosophy. Of importance...

Bival System for Downstream Control
The BIVAL system of canal regulation guarantees that the maximum discharge can be delivered at any time, as for downstream control systems and, moreover, it minimizes the canal dyking...

Canal Automation Using the Electronic Filter Level Offset (EL-FLO) Method
Beginning in 1969, the Bureau of Reclamation began testing and refining an electronic filter level offset (EL-FLO) control system for canal automation. The control system uses a proportional...

Philosophy and Implementation of Gate Stroking
The purpose of this paper is to examine one control method - gate stroking - the philosophy which would lead to its selection and an example of its implementation. Gate stroking provides...

Dynamic Regulation on the Canal De Provence
Dynamic regulation is a remote management, control and monitoring system which is entirely automated and ensures permanent closed-loop control of all water movements and safety devices....

Selection of Appropriate Technology in Irrigation Canal Systems
A variety of approaches to irrigation management and system operation exist and great care should be taken in selecting the one to be used in new or rehabilitation/modernization projects....

Pipelines for Flexible Deliveries
The use of pipelines facilitates flexible deliveries for projects and flexible distribution on the farm. Pipelines have the advantage relative to canals in that they do not have to follow...

Design of Semi-Closed Pipeline Systems
Semi-closed pipeline systems controlled by downstream activated float valves permit low pressure pipeline systems to communicate information from the outflow location back to the source...

Case Study?Closed Pipeline Systems
The paper discusses closed pipeline system and its automation, including variable pumping rates, sensing devices, automatic controls, pressure regulators, flow measuring devices, surge...

Case Studies?Semi-Closed Pipeline Systems
The paper discusses the title subject in terms of automated systems, flexible scheduling, and system components. Project locations include the Mahaweli Development Project, Sri Lanka;...

Case Studies?Semi-Closed Pipeline Systems, Orange Cove and Solano Irrigation Districts
The Harris Float Valve is a simple mechanically leveraged valve connected to a float, which activates the valve with the rise and fall of the water surface on the down stream side of the...

Case Study?Open Pipeline System, Coachella Valley Water District
A supervisory canal control system installation was started in 1966, seventeen years after start up, and a major upgrading was completed in 1983. The canal delivery system now has a central...

Pump Plant Control and Automation
Pumping plants for irrigation systems can be separated into two general types: source pumps which provide water to the system and booster pumps which increase the system pressure. Typically,...

Maintenance of Automated Pumping Plant Controls
Westlands Water District, located in the Central San Joaquin Valley in California (Fig. 1) includes over 600,000 acres of agricultural land and is part of the San Luis Unit of the U. S....

Implementation and Management of a High Technology Irrigation System
Eastern Oregon Farming Company (EOFC) irrigates 12,000 acres using a fully pressurized irrigation system. In 1981, the system was operated with minimal flow and pressure measurements and...

Instrumentation: Canal De Provence
A report describing the Canal de Provence and its specific hydraulic regulation system, 'dynamic regulation', is presented in another conference paper. The present...

Instrumentation for Automated Irrigation Systems
Remote site instrumentation sensors are vital components in automated irrigation systems, enabling measurement of water levels, flows and gate positions. It is desirable to select sensors...

Data and Control Communication Methods for Delivery System Operations
The selection of a communication system for the automation of a canal system requires careful consideration of the type of canal system operation desired, the location of the facilities...





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