Can We Become More Creative?
This is the First Prize winner in CE's 1982 Essay Contest. The key to enhancing one's creativity, says the author, is to tap the intuitive and holistic capabilities...

Constructive Suggestions for Construction Success
Perhaps the biggest reason women engineers are discouraged from the construction area is that it is still very much a man's world. A profile is presented of Celia Ruiz Tomlinson,...

Electronic Computation
Dramatic changes have occurred in computer-aided structural engineering during the past 25 years. Computers have evolved from large, slow processors with little available storage to fast...

Evaluating CADD Systems
This article presents and explains numerous functional characteristics and features that computer-aided design and drafting systems should possess in order to be useful, productive tools...

Word Processing, Tips on How to Choose a System
Word processing has revolutionized the work place and changes have been felt in the engineering industry where sometimes the amount of information that must be processed and reprocessed,...

Productivity in Civil Engineering and Construction
According to one analysis, United States construction productivity has been declining for the last ten years. The percent of construction dollar volume going to research and development...

The Night the Computer Stole the Engineer's Brain
The computer was supposed to be the engineer's servant. But somehow he'd become the robot-like slave of the computer, doing little more than feeding in input...

A New Panama Canal?
The Panama Canal is expected to be obsolete by the end of the century. Already there are serious problems with ship traffic through the Canal: volume of traffic is down, average transit...

Recruiting, Motivating, Rewarding
Aspects of personnel management are discusased in relation to the engineering profession. The first section of these proceedings includes a report on orientation of the new employee and...

Coastal Zone '83
Interdisciplinary information and viewpoints on coastal zone management and ocean resources issues related to use, protection, and development are presented. Topics include improved jurisdiction...

Introductory Manual on Computer Services
The role of computers in civil engineering is discussed including an overview of computer use, and comparisons of expectations, advantages, and shortcomings of computer use. Future technical...

EPCOT Center, perhaps the most elaborate and futuristic entertainment attraction in the world, is also a major achievement in such civil engineering-related disciplines as geotechnical,...

Forensic Engineering: What Role for ASCE?
Responding to heightened concern within and without the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE) about failures of engineered structures and other works, ASCE formed two commitees to...

Market Research and the Engineering Firm
In an age of volatile market changes and stiff competition, engineering firms need continuous market research, the author writes, leading to development of an effective marketing plan....

Are Engineers Happy People?
Job satisfaction for the professional engineer is discussed in relation to society's image of the engineer and the engineering profession. It is argued that society has a...

Is There a Bid for Services in Your Future?
Selection of architect/engineer firms based on price in addition to qualifications is apparently here to stay. Those in favor of competitive negotiation say that it prevents corruption,...

Frontiers in Hydraulic Engineering
These proceedings include approximately 140 papers presented in the ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, August 1983, Cambridge, Mass. The principal aim of the conference was...

Managing Limited Transportation Resources in Pennsylvania's Department of Transportation
This paper will not describe systems, but rather a management approach which has proved successful in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The following examples illustrate the...

Design of Port and Coastal Structures for Ice Forces
Design of ice-affected port and coastal structures cannot be addressed in a few single specific terms, but must instead account for a matrix of elements differing at each site. Evaluation...

River and Lake Ice Processes Relevant to Ice Loads
Ice effects on engineering structures in inland waters are more widespread than generally appreciated. Troublesome ice conditions can be expected regularly north of the 0 degree C January...





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