Shell Island Evolution
In 1979, Shell Island was overtopped by Hurricane Bob breaching the barrier island with an opening that now has increased to a width of approximately 2.7 kilometers. Saltwater intrusion...

Evolution (1980-1990) of Ammonia and Dissolved Oxygen in Guanabara Bay, RJ, Brazil
The UFRJ is located on an island of Guanabara Bay and the Institute of Biology has been developing systematic studies on the bay. A synthesis of these studies and their different methodologies...

Classification Based on Coliform Counts of Coastal Waters in Metropolitan Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro is a municipality with approximately 8.7 million inhabitants that produce about 470 tons of sewage per day, of which only 64 receive treatment or are released through a...

Microbial Quality of the Mussel Perna perna (Linne, 1758) Extracted from Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Guanabara bay is an estuarine complex in the state of Rio de Janeiro with 12 cities including Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi on its shores. It has a hidrographic basin of 4000 Km2...

Ecological Studies at Espirito Santo Bay?Brazil Zooplankton Communities
Espirito Santo Bay is a coastal-tropical system, with strong water renovation cycle, which in turn adequate conditions to the development of many planktonic species (Bonecker et al., 1989)....

Observations of Seasonal and Interseasonal Variability in Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Nearly five years of monthly mean current data from two locations (one nearshore on the shallow shelf and one in the Shelikof sea valley) are used in conjunction with surface geostrophic...

Recreational Impacts on Coastal Habitats: Ventura County Fairgrounds, California
The doubling of California's population since 1960 has presented new challenges to the California Coastal Act's mandates to maximize public coastal access and...

A Comprehensive Project for the Venice Lagoon
The Venice Lagoon is undergoing a severe process of environmental decay, due to increasing pollution from urban, industrial and agricultural sources. A number of projects have been launched,...

A Concise Discussion on Coastal Island Economy Development
Some basic principles to develop coastal island economy has been proposed in this paper on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of coastal island economy, and these principles can...

Submarine Sand Ridges: Unique Marine Environment and Natural Resources
Submarine sand ridges are large scale depositional sandy bodies on the inner shallow water continental shelves, which are mostly distributed in the macro tide area where the mobile sandy...

California Marine Debris Action Plan
Trash in the oceans and on California's beaches are killing marine wildlife and fouling our beaches. To address this problem in California, the Center for Marine Conservation...

NOAA's Coastal Ocean Database and FOCOS Program
The NOAA Center for Ocean Analysis and Prediction (COAP) was recently formed in Monterey to support collection, distribution, and analysis of marine data for application to coastal ocean...

Available Data for Management of the Egyptian Red Sea Coastal Areas
An evaluation of the available data and the existing environmental conditions will help to assess the future potential impacts of oil fields operations, metalliferous muds, phosphate mining...

Review of Recent Coastal Research in the Soviet Union
Information about sediment suspension regularities, their distribution in the water column and ways of sediment transport is indispensible for the solution of ecological and sea culture...

Public Access Evolution Long Beach, California, Coastline
Historic Long Beach was built around the beachfront. Public access to this popular coastal resort was provided in many ways. The downtown has undergone a renaissance of that former regional...

Saline Intrusion in Marine Effluent Outfalls
The paper presents an experimental investigation of saline intrusion in long sea outfalls. This intrusion is caused by the influx of sea water that may occur during periods of low discharge,...

Numerical Simulation of Alabama's Weeks Bay Estuary
Weeks Bay system models describing water elevation, water circulation, salinity and BOD/DO concentrations are used to investigate two case study scenarios - a dredged ten foot deep boat...

Resilience of Seacoast Bluestem Barrier Island Communities
Natural disturbance is an important force in population and community dynamics and barrier islands are paradigms of disturbance dominated ecosystems. They are formed, shaped, and moved...

A Childrens' Oil Spill Preparedness Education Program
Following the Exxon Valdez incident, the Clean Seas oil spill cooperative received numerous requests for additional information on oil spill response procedures from local educational...

NDBC's Observations in the Coastal Zone
The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) has been collecting data from coastal buoys since 1979. Measurements, taken each hour, include wind direction, wind speed, significant wave height,...





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