Mercury Behavior in a Wastewater Sludge Incineration Process
The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (WLSSD) in Duluth, Minnesota utilizes solid waste as fuel to incinerate wastewater treatment sludge, conserving energy resources while reducing...

The Use of a Deep Shaft for the Waste Water Treatment Plant of Orgamol SA
The first version of a new deep aeration system has been built for Orgamol SA, a chemical plant in the Rhone valley, Switzerland. Construction, operation and oxygen transfer mode of the...

Ground Water in the Pacific Rim Countries
This proceedings, Ground Water in the Pacific Rim Countries, consists of papers presented at the Symposium held in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 23-25,...

Where Does Rock Begin Beneath Philadelphia?
Philadelphia provides an excellent example of the engineering problems associated with the interpretation of saprolite/weathered rock/sound rock profiles. The bedrock beneath the city...

Special Bedrock Conditions in Greater Boston
The Cambridge Argillite, a weakly metamorphosed shale, forms the major portion of the Boston Basin, a structural as well as topographic depression. In the greater Boston area, the argillite...

Where Does Rock Begin for Three Highway Projects?
'Where does rock begin?' was a question raised on three large highway projects in the western United States. The question was successfully answered by a variety...

Rock in the Limestone Regions of the Southeastern United States
Problems often arise in the shaft drilling industry in the Southeast. The karst areas in this region have certain situations found in few other places. Erratic boulders and limestone pinnacles...

Conflict in Water Management of James River, ND
Delivery of water from storage in Jamestown Reservoir to 898 acres of newly developed irrigation along the lower James River by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation during the drought of 1988...

Remediation and Mitigation Associated with Contamination of Water by Irrigation Drainage
Inorganic trace constituent or pesticide contamination problems associated with irrigation drainage from Federally constructed or managed irrigation projects have been identified in several...

Regional Water Supply Needs and Sources, Southwest Florida Water Management District
In 1990, the Southwest Florida Water Management District completed a district-wide water supply needs and sources planning analysis. The SWFWMD needs and sources analysis identifies water...

Yampa River Basin Alternatives Feasibility Study an Example of Conflict Resolution in Water Supply Development
The Yampa River, located in northwest Colorado, is a major tributary of the Green River segment of the Colorado River system. Potential water resource development in the Yampa River Basin...

Yazoo River Basin a New Direction for the Corps
The paper presents the lessons learned from the past events in the Yazoo Basin. The Yazoo Basin project is the only mechanism available that can provide the flood control that is needed...

The Carson and Truckee Rivers Lifeline in the Desert
Nevada is the most arid state in the nation with an average annual precipitation of less than 9 inches (23 cm) over the 110,500 square miles (286,200 sq km). The Truckee, Carson, and Walker...

Restructuring of Water Agencies in Salt Lake Valley, Utah
The Salt Lake Valley consists of a metropolitan area with a population of about one million. Wholesale domestic water supply is provided to this area by two main agencies, namely Salt...

Tampa Bay: A Collaborative Approach to Effective Watershed Management
Rapid urbanization in the Tampa Bay watershed continues to challenge Florida's surface water management efforts. Upgrading of all wastewater treatment facilities substantially...

In-Situ Calibration of USGS Piezometer Installations
Among the few potentially liquefiable sites around the world that have been permanently instrumented with pore-pressure transducers and accelerometers, only the Wildlife Site in the Imperial...

Floating Fabric Over Georgia Dome
The 400,000 sq ft free-span roof cover the new $210 million Georgia Dome may look as festive as a circus tent. But next fall, when the 70,500-seat arena becomes the home of the Atlanta...

Lifeline Earthquake Engineering at the Turn of the Century
The author considers it a singular honor to be the first recipient of the C. Martin Duke Award under the auspices of the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering (TCLEE) of...

Lifeline Earthquake Engineering?A New Zealand Perspective
This paper outlines the application of earthquake engineering to New Zealand's lifelines, tracing the development of design practices in roading, bridging, power generation...

Recent Advances in Seismic Design and Retrofit of California Bridges
This paper describes the damage and lessons learned from the most recent major earthquakes, the resulting bridge seismic design and detailing changes and the seismic retrofit program implemented...





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