Modeling Tidal and Wind Driven Circulation in Sarasota and Tampa Bay
As part of an effort to quantify the effects of hydrodynamics on water quality within Sarasota Bay, Tampa Bay and their adjoining waters, a field and modeling study of circulation and...

Application of a Boundary Fitted Coordinate Mass Transport Model
A three-dimensional, boundary fitted coordinate, finite difference, mass transport model was applied to the Providence River in Upper Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. The governing advection-diffusion...

Numerical Simulation of a Shallow Estuary?Weeks Bay, Alabama
This paper describes a study of Weeks Bay, Alabama, an estuary located on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In this study the WIFM model is used to simulate...

Simulation of Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics in Long Island Sound: Seasonal Timescale
The Mellor-Blumberg three-dimensional hydrodynamic model, as modified by National Ocean Service (NOS) of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for application to Long...

Simulation of Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics in Long Island Sound: Annual Timescales
The Mellor-Blumberg three-dimensional hydrodynamic model in application to Long Island Sound includes time varying water level residual, sea surface temperature, river inflow, and wind...

A Three-Dimensional Simulation of Buoyancy and Wind-Induced Circulation and Mixing in the New York Bight
A three-dimensional simulation of the circulation and mixing in the New York Bight has been conducted, forced by (i) wind stress for the year 1987 and monthly-mean heat fluxes at the sea...

Numerical Simulation of Tidally Induced Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics of New York Bight
A time-varying three-dimensional (3D) numerical hydrodynamic model has been applied to the coupled New York Bight, Long Island Sound, and Hudson River flow system. The modeling effort...

Assessing Cu(II) Speciation and Transport in the New York Bight
The New York Bight had been receiving waste disposals, dredged spoils and acid dumps for the past 30-40 years causing accumulation of trace metals such as Cu(II) in water and sediment....

Effects of Wind on Circulation in Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied previously (Vemulakonda and Butler 1989) to Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors to determine tide and wind-induced circulation. The model...

Estimation of Wind Fields for Coastal Modeling
Wind is an essential driving force for waves, circulation, and storm surge in coastal and estuarine areas. As with other horizontally 2-dimensional models, Corps of Engineers' (CE) numerical...

Hurricane Camille Shelf Wave Simulation Using a Numerical Ocean Circulation Model
The hurricane generated shelf waves for Hurricane Camille (1969) are studied using a three-dimensional, thermodynamical, primitive equation, ocean circulation model developed at Princeton...

Tide- and Wind-Driven Flushing of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
The flushing of Boston Harbor, a shallow, tidally dominated embayment with little fresh water input, is investigated using a depth-averaged model. The modeled tidal currents exhibit strong...

DYNLET1: Network Model for Tidal Inlet Dynamics
This paper introduces DYNLET1, an efficient, versatile, and accurate one- dimensional numerical model for computing tidal flow in a system of interconnecting channels and bays. Drawing...

Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling of Lower Green Bay
A confined disposal facility (CDF) for dredged material presently exists in lower Green Bay, Wisconsin. A planned expansion of the CDF is being studied to assess its impact on current...

Numerical Simulation of Tidal Flow in Shallow Water Bay by Finite Difference Method
A two-dimensional finite difference numerical model to solve the vertically integrated non-linear shallow water equations has been developed using an Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI)...

Impact of Breakwater Removal on Hydrodynamics and Water Quality in Flushing Bay, New York
Hydrodynamic and water quality models were used to simulate the potential effect of removing a breakwater to increase flushing and improve water quality in Flushing Bay, New York City....

Sensitivity of Flow and Salt Transport to Uncertainties at Open Boundaries: A 3-D Experience
Understanding the transport due to tidal and sub-tidal exchange processes enables many environmental issues in estuarine systems to be addressed. To achieve this goal, a reliable numerical...

A Predictive Model of the Currents in Cleveland Bay
A two-dimensional (depth-averaged) numerical model is proposed to describe the hydrodynamics of Cleveland Bay and is used to investigate the water circulation within the Bay. By utilizing...

Pollutant Transport Modelling in Large River Plumes
The Niagara River plume in Lake Ontario and the Fraser River plume in the Strait of Georgia are of similar spatial dimensions, and arise from rivers with comparable discharge. Both rivers...

Nondestructive Testing of Concrete Elements and Structures
Quality of a concrete structure depends on good construction practice. On the other hand, continuous repair and maintenance preserve the quality of construction. Nondestructive evaluation...





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