Approximation of Convective Processes by Cyclic AOI Methods
Convective or advective processes play a role in many models for civil engineering applications. For example in transport equations, in hydrodynamic equations or wave energy equations....

Nondestructive Testing of Concrete Elements and Structures
Quality of a concrete structure depends on good construction practice. On the other hand, continuous repair and maintenance preserve the quality of construction. Nondestructive evaluation...

The Future Role of Factory Built Housing
For most of this century, and particularly around 1970 as epitomized by Operation Breakthrough, the concept of transitioning the US housing industry from stick-by-stick field building...

Customer Requirements in Industrialized Housing
Residential construction efforts in the U.S. are highly fragmented, and this has slowed the application of new technologies. While there has been an increase in the use of manufactured...

Computer Modeling of Structural Systems for Residential Scale Buildings
The majority of housing in the United States is single family residences or low-rise multiple family dwelling units. The structural systems usually consist of rather uncomplicated types...

Generating Detailed Emissions Forecasts Using Regional Transportation Models: Current Capabilities and Issues
Mobile source emission estimates have long been calculated using composite emission factors (expressed as grams of emissions per mile) and estimates of vehicle-miles travelled. Techniques...

Characteristics of MOBILE4 and EMFAC7E Models
Several recent studies (e.g., Lawson et al., 1990; Ingalls, 1989) have indicated that the EPA and ARB vehicle emission factor models MOBILE4 and EMFAC7E underpredict in-use vehicle emission...

Modeling Guideline for Air Quality Analysis of Intersections
Model evaluations have been performed testing eight different models for the ability to estimate carbon monoxide near intersections. These evaluation results along with the need for updated...

Developing Protocols for Motor Vehicle Air Quality Modeling
This paper is directed to air quality analysts. It examines the issues surrounding a modeling protocol and how to work effectively with a traffic engineer on a project to model carbon...

Integrating Traffic and Air Quality Modeling Techniques to Predict Pollutant Concentrations Near Intersections
Many cities are considering transportation management measures and/or tailpipe emission controls to reduce the pollution associated with traffic congestion. A major difficulty is the expensive...

Integrated Assessment of Environmental Risk and Human Response
Meaningful risk assessment for environmental problems requires an integrated consideration of physical science and human behavioral issues. This is particularly true when dissaggregate...

Quantitative Risk Assessment and Technology Transfer: Software Developments
A risk-based adaptation of the hydroeconomic model for estimating the expected annual damages of floods is presented in a spreadsheet environment. The model demonstrates how commercially...

Optimal Flood Warning Threshold: A Case Study in Connellsville, Pennsylvania
A methodology for selecting an optimal flood-warning threshold has been developed by Haimes et al. (1990). The probabilistic evaluation of a forecast system coupled with a stochastic dynamic...

System Engineering and Risk
System engineering means many things to many people, but there is a large group of practicing engineers in the defense and energy sectors who define system engineering as a structured...

Optimal Allocation of Resources in Repair and Maintenance of Bridge Structures
The structural design process, examined in its entirety (and taking into account the uncertainty and randomness that characterize the governing parameters) is a decisional process, involving...

Linearisation and Offshore Fatigue Reliability
In determining the force effects due to wave action on offshore structures it is conventional to use an equivalent linearisation to convert wave velocities to forces via Morison's equation....

Reliability Analysis of Lunar Structures Under Meteoroid Impact
The United States is slowly moving towards lunar base, and possibly Mars base, activities. Design of structures for these bases requires knowledge about loadings and conditions which in...

Probabilistic Analysis of Post-Tensioned Steel Girder Bridges
External post-tensioning is used as a means of strengthening existing steel girder bridges. Since absolute safety of structures is impossible to attain due to uncertainty in load and resistance,...

Fuzzy Measures in the Knowledge Based Diagnosis of Seismic Vulnerability of Masonry Buildings
Rules based expert systems and fuzzy logic have been employed to increase the speed and the reliability of the survey of masonry buildings, to forecast their seismic vulnerability....

Optimal Discretization of Random Fields for SFEM
A new method for discretization of random fields (representation in terms of random variables) is introduced based on the principle of optimal linear estimation theory. The method is more...





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