Analysis of Hydraulic Impacts at the Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge Project
The Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge site has been implemented with increasingly sophisticated calculation methods as data collection efforts advanced. Initial project scoping utilized...

Interaction of Large Depression Storage with an Aquifer
In the south-western part of Ghaggar basin, there exist an isolated but interconnected series of nineteen aeolian sand dune depressions in Sriganganagar district of Rajasthan (India) which...

Probabilistic Site Strategy for Transmission Lines
A probability-based geotechnical site characterization strategy is presented for transmission line structures. Because site-specific data are sparse for these structures, a Bayesian model...

Maintaining the Gateway to the Columbia Basin?A Plan for Improvement
Portland District has begun a Maintenance Improvement Program to recommend procedures to reduce annual operations and maintenance costs while providing safe and efficient ship passage...

A Successful Merging of Scientific Research and Public Participation
This paper describes the on-going programs at the US Army Corps of Engineers' San Francisco Bay-Delta Model and Visitor Center that aim to broaden the general public's...

Design of Breakwaters for Hurricane Wave Attack
The breakwaters protecting Port of Haina in the Dominican Republic have been repeatedly damaged by hurricane storm waves. Attempt to repair the destroyed portions have been largely unsuccessful....

Artificial Beach Design, Lake Forest, Illinois
A system of beaches and offshore breakwaters was designed to protect eroding bluffs along the shoreline of the City of Lake Forest. The beach system consists of sand fill contained by...

Predictions of Shoaling Rates for a New Harbor in Puget Sound, Washington
Physical and numerical modeling methods were used to predict shoaling rates in the proposed Naval Station Puget Sound, Washington. A simple analytical model (SILTHAR), based on the premise...

Analysis of Berth Operability by Utilization of Agitation Models
Agitation models are utilized in order to predict the operability of berths for ship unloading purposes. Usually, in such models all ship displacements are measured and when one of them...

Analytical Method of Ship Motions Moored to Quay Walls and Application to Port Planning
This paper describes an analytical method to calculate ship motions moored to quay walls and application of the method in order to establish the port planning method in taking account...

An Observational Model of Far-Field Transport
Accurate numerical simulation of the transport and fate of constituents in coastal waters is made difficult by the general inability to adequately specify open-water boundary conditions...

Numerical Modeling of Estuarine Training Structure Effects on Navigation Channel Performance
A two-dimensional, vertically averaged, numerical modeling technique is presented to analyze estuarine training structure performance. The technique consists of using the US Army Corps...

Storm Surge Model Sensitivity in Estuarine Areas
Under the auspices of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), a numerical study was undertaken to determine the sensitivity of predicted storm tide levels within an estuary to hurricane...

Numerical Solutions for Problems Related to Nearshore Morphology?!
In the development of numerical models of nearshore morphology various steps can be envisaged: 1. initial models: the initial bottom topography remains unchanged; spatial variations in...

Modeling Applications in Coastal Engineering
This paper discusses physical and numerical models of coastal processes as applied to coastal and ocean engineering projects. Some of the concepts and principles of modelling are identified...

Modelling as a Tool for Analysis and Assessment of North Sea Pollution
This paper briefly describes the analysis of pollution inputs into the area considered and the application of modelling techniques to quantify the hydrodynamics and related transport phenomena...

Dispersion of Coal Particles at the Sea Floor
Due to coal unloading, certain quantities of this material arrive at the sea floor, and may pollute the beaches. This study provides a theoretical analysis and numerical simulations of...

Investigation of Wave-Induced Oscillations in Sewage Outfalls
The work described in this paper deals with the effect of wave action on the hydraulic performance of a sewage effluent outfall. The outfall under consideration is an inverted siphon....

Forecasting Currents in Coastal Waters
A service for current and temperature forecasts has been developed for the coastal waters along the west coast casts has led to several improvements. Future modeling efforts are expected...

Tsunami Predictions for the Coast of Alaska
The 100- and 500-year combined tsunami and tide elevations are predicted along the southern coast of Alaska. Because there is little historical data of tsunami occurrence in the area,...





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