Sedimentation at Canal In-Line Structures
This paper describes the procedures used to compute the transport capabilities of existing canals and the process for predicting sediment deposition that will occur at or near the modified...

Waterpower '85
The hydropower industry is making the most of new and existing hydropower facilities to increase production. The purpose of the Waterpower '85 Conference was to review what...

Geotechnical Construction Control Data Base Package
A data base can be defined as pieces or groups of data stored together in an orderly form such that access to all or any part of the data can be readily accomplished. A computerized data...

Low Level Artificial Intelligence and Computer Simulation to Plan and Control Earthmoving Operations
This paper describes an advanced computerized method for designing an optimized earth distribution plan for a linear earthmoving project. Modeling and computerized simulation offer a quantitative...

Teaching Experiment in Real-Time Construction Data Acquisition
This paper describes an experiment used in an undergraduate civil engineering course to familiarize students with interfacing electronic instruments mounted on a construction machine to...

Solving Nonlinear Equations on a Hypercube
Certain classes of nonlinear systems of equations, such as polynomial systems have properties that make them particularly amenable to solution on distributed computing systems. Some algorithms,...

Supercomputers and their Impact on Civil Engineering
The increasing complexity of today's civil engineering applications requires increasing detail and analyses with associated increased demands on computer resources. At the...

The Promise of Supercomputers
This paper briefly reviews the classification and general architecture of supercomputers: their capabilities, promise, current and projected limitations are considered. The author reviews...

CAPPS: Custom Architectured Parallel Processing System
CAPPS (Custom Architectured Parallel Processing System) is under development at Paragon Pacific Inc. , Torrance, CA, for the solution of computationally intensive engineering problems....

Instant Hydro Forecasting
Two new software programs developed by a San Francisco-based engineering firm determine hydropower potential, best site configuration, and best economics for hydroelectric projects. One...

Keeping Sand at a Standstill
Construction of roads, railroads, pipelines and other facilities removes the native vegetation from sand dunes. As a result, sand movement starts and entire dunes may become active. This...

The Risk Factor in Water Resources
Risk is inherent in nature and society, while uncertainty depends on investigations. Decision making in water resources is most often a deterministic selection of dimensions which divide...

The Use of ISMAUT in Determining the Most-Preferred Package of Alternatives
Multiattribute decision analysis serves as a useful model of alternative selection under risk. A specialized form of multiattribute decision analysis assumes that there is only one stage...

Microcomputer Application of the Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure
Over the past five years the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), in conjunction with the twenty-one Florida Metropolitan Planning Organizations, has developed the Florida Standard...

Methods for Real-Time Control of Highway Traffic
The paper describes the development of computational strategies for demand-responsive decentralized traffic signal control. First, a Dynamic Programming procedure is developed which serves...

Fuzzy Sets Bring Ideas Into Focus
Fuzzy set theory was born out of a dissatisfaction with classical crisp sets and binary logic. Conventional computers, despite 30 years of evolution, are still rigidly precise, number...

Design of Impact Limiters for Waste Fuel Shipping Casks
Impact limiters are often used to control the decelerations experienced by a waste fuel shipping cask when it is subjected to the hypothetical accident condition loadings. Simplified design...

Simulation of Salt Behavior Using In Situ Response
This paper presents an improved method for simulating the salt behavior. In this method, the governing equations are normalized to the creep function, which represents the transient and...

Some Recent Advances in Automatic Mesh Generation
The establishment of automated finite element modeling procedures must begin with the development of automatic mesh generators capable of producing a valid finite element mesh for any...

Modern Methods for Automatic FE Mesh Generation
An overview of the various Finite Element mesh generation techniques is presented. Since most automatic FE Mesh Generation techniques read in geometry of the object and create meshes on...





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