Getting Personal with Personal Computers
Personal computers can make an engineer's job easier but only if he or she understands something about how they work. New developments in hardward and software can make this...

Storing Drawings on Optical Disks
Optical storage of drawings and maps on compact disks provides better long-term protection and accessibility than with hard-copy documents, and at much lower cost than computerized systems....

Computing on the Run
Portable computers enable engineers to manage projects right at the job site. In addition to this mobility and flexibility, they make it possible for a small firm to automate inexpensively....

Structural Scale Models: Beyond the Computer
The authors build balsa wood structural scale models to supplement their 3D CADD designs because, for complex framing systems or sites with access problems, the models help clients and...

Computer Assisted Mistakes
The proliferation of computer usage by design engineers will continue to generate change in practice. It will affect the process and production of design. It will affect the relationships...

Natural Vibrations of Cables in a Flowing Fluid
Cable segments are important components in a wide variety of marine operations. Their nonlinearities are primarily geometric as characterized by large displacements and load-dependent...

Infiltration Wells in the Lakes Around the Future Markerwaard Polder
Drainage and reclamation of the Markerwaard polder in the Netherlands may cause damage to buildings and infrastructure in the eastern part of North-Holland because of subsidence. Drawdown...

Journal of Aerospace Engineering
The Journal of Aerospace Engineering promotes the implementation and development of space and aerospace technologies and their transfer to other civil engineering applications. Topics of interest include...

Computers Board Equipment
Construction equipment is slowly being automated, either with remotely operated radio controls or by on-board computers that control repetitive tasks. Contractors in the United States...

Manhole Junction Flow
When a sewer surcharges, a basement floods, or sewage overflows, the likeliest source of the problem is sewer junction manholes. Poorly designed ones act as bottlenecks. Study of a few,...

Overview of Factors Involved in the Mexico Earthquakes
The Mexico earthquakes provided many opportunities for learning. New knowledge has been obtained and continuing research will provide additional knowledge. The earthquakes have also demonstrated...

Damage Statistics of the September 19, 1985 Earthquake
Grupo ICA has participated in all stages of the actions and analysis of the effects of this quake aimed at taking advantage of this disastrous experience and has prepared a complete study...

Effects of the 1985 Earthquake in Lazaro Cardenas, Mich.
An account is presented of a geotechnical survey made shortly after the major earthquake of September 19, 1985 (magnitude 8. 1) at the industrial port of Lazaro Cardenas in the state of...

Earthquake Response of La Villita Dam
Due to the recent industrial and housing developments at the port of Lazaro Cardenas, located 13 km (8 miles) downstream of La Villita Dam, at the mouth of the Balsas River, the hazard...

Analyses of Foundation Failures
During the earthquake of September 19th, 1985, many buildings tilted and underwent settlements, sometimes of very large magnitudes. This paper describes and analyzes these settlements....

Soil-Structure Interaction in Mexico City During the 1985 Earthquakes
The effects of the flexibility of the soil and the foundation on the seismic response of structures, by opposition to clear foundation failures, cannot be easily identified from a simple...

Performance Characteristics of Structures, 1985 Mexico City Earthquake
The 1985 Mexico City earthquake caused major damage to buildings, but not other structures, in the center of Mexico City, located approximately 400 km. from the epicenter. Due to soil...

Preliminary Dynamic Analyses of the Ministry of Agriculture Building
The Ministry of Agriculture building on Avenida San Antonio Abad was originally constructed as a 17 story reinforced concrete structure using a waffle slab system with interior reinforced...

Implications of Structural Characteristics on Failure
Performance of buildings with two common structural types, many of which suffered heavy structural damage or collapse, are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn that no structural type is inadequate,...

Observations on Structural Pounding
In over 40% of the collapsed or severely damaged buildings in Mexico City, pounding of adjacent buildings occurred, and in at least 15% was the primary cause of collapse. The main objectives...





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