Colgate Palmolive Transportation Impact Case Study
The Colgate Palmolive Company owns eleven city blocks of land in the Exchange Place area of downtown Jersey City, New Jersey. Colgate Palmolive operated manufacturing facilities on their...

Transportation Management in the Anacostia Waterfront Washington, D.C.
The Anacostia Waterfront is a 500 acre land mass located approximately one-half mile from the U.S. Capitol. This area includes a U.S. Army facility (Ft. McNair), a U.S. Navy facility (the...

The Use of Road Impact Fees in the United States
The roads of American cities have been subjected to ever increasing traffic while maintenance and improvement programs have lagged. The result have been deterioration of roads and brisges,...

Traffic Impact Fees in Schaumburg, Illinois
Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburban employment center northwest of Chicago, developed a traffic impact fee program 13 years ago. The program has met with little resistance from developers....

Evacuation Modeling Near a Chemical Stockpile Site
Dynamic evacuation modeling was used as an aid in emergency response planning by Tooele County, Utah, location of the United States' largest stockpile of unitary chemical weapons, The...

Solid Waste Travel Demand Model Using GIS and Simulation for Evaluating Site Impacts
This study accomplishes two objectives: (1) develops a model to forecast future household travel demands for a given solid waste site in Fairbanks, Alaska and (2) develops precursory techniques...

Corridor Planning and Traffic Assessment: Small Sites and Neighborhoods
Determining the appropriate use of a piece of property, or the uses for larger land areas in a portion of a city, requires consideration of many facts. A recently completaed project was...

The Dialogue of Players on the Development Stage
To examine the factors which affect the quality of communications during the traffic impact study process, an opinion survey was administered to individuals representing three groups of...

Site Traffic Impact Analysis Process: The Developer's Perspective
Site traffic impact analyses are often conducted for private developers by traffic engineering consultants to be reviewed by the local engineering or planning departments of Cities and...

Circulation Issues and Impacts?Corridor Redevelopment Santa Ana, CA?A Case Study
The Bristol Street Corridor Plan provides the framework for future redevelopment of a 3.0-mile section of the Bristol Street corridor in the central portion of the City of Santa Ana, California....

The Application and Use of Impact Fees: Legal Issues
Local governments in the United States are empowered, in varying degrees to regulate land use and to provide adequate public facilities to serve new growth. To meet the substantial costs...

3-D Particle Tracking for the New York Bight
This paper describes the development and testing of a three-dimensional particle tracking model for the New York Bight. A number of particle tracking options have been developed to predict...

Methodology for Validation of a Tampa Bay Circulation Model
The National Ocean Service is presently conducting the Tampa Bay Oceanography Project, including development and application of a three-dimensional circulation model to the Bay, and collection...

Modeling Three-Dimensional Circulation and Sediment Transport in Lakes and Estuaries
The transport of fine sediments due to currents and wind waves in estuaries and lakes have been studied by means of field experiments, laboratory experiments, and a comprehensive three-dimensional...

Nowcast Protocol for the Great Lakes Forecasting System
The Great Lakes Forecasting System is a cooperative federal-university undertaking designed to implement a predictive system for each of the Great Lakes. The desired forecasts concentrate...

A Coastal-Ocean Hindcast/Forecast Model
Flows in the coastal oceans are produced by interactions of different components: tides, winds, buoyancy discharge from estuaries, topography and remote forcing of deeper-ocean origin....

Modeling Nearshore Currents in the Vicinity of the Endicott Causeway, Alaska
The Endicott Causeway connects two oil production islands on the southern side of Stefansson Sound, about 5 km offshore of the Sagavanirktok River delta, to the mainland of the Alaskan...

A Study of Salt Transport Processes in Delaware Bay
The study described here is a subset of a broader climate-related study, and is focused primarily on salinity intrusion into Delaware Bay and River. Given changes in freshwater discharge...

Estuarine Environmental Impact Assessment Using a Three-Dimensional Circulation and Transport Model
Two case studies of estuarine environmental impact assessment using a recently developed three-dimensional circulation and transport model are presented following a brief overview of the...

The Importance of Density Driven Circulation in Well Mixed Estuaries: The Tampa Bay Experience
This paper addresses the importance of the effects of baroclinicity in subtidal dynamics of a well mixed estuary, Tampa Bay. The analysis is based upon numerical simulations using a three-dimensional,...





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