Modeling of a Low Head Hydroelectric Project
In order to shorten the time to develop a hydroelectric project at the Corps of Engineers Hannibal Lock and Dam on the Ohio River for the City of New Martinsville, West Virginia, a turnkey...

One-Dimensional Tidal Circulation Model
A finite-element, one-dimensional numerical model of tidal circulation was developed for estuarine and channel flow applications. The model was designed for the prediction of tide heights...

Simulation and Video Animation of Canal Flushing Created by a Tide Gate
A tide-gate algorithm was added to a one-dimensional unsteady flow model that was calibrated, verified, and used to determine the locations of as many as five tide gates that would maximize...

Hydroturbine Efficiency and Cavitation Monitoring
The paper describes a microcomputer-based system for monitoring hydroturbine performance and cavitation level. Remote access to the monitoring system provides convenient, rapid, and accurate...

Bay/Delta Hydraulic Model?Thirty Years of Service
The San Francisco Bay and Delta is an extremely complex estuarine system. During the past thirty years, the San Francisco Bay/Delta Hydraulic Model has proven to be a valuable scientific...

Martins Fork Reservoir Sedimentation Study
The Martins Fork Reservoir is located on Martins Fork of the Cumberland River in Harlan County, Kentucky. The lake was impounded in December, 1978. Since closure, the lake has experienced...

Modeling Side-Weir Diversions for Flood Control
Side-channel weirs can be used for diversion to reduce flood peaks. This study has developed a means for incorporating the effects of side weirs in HEC-1 and HEC-2 calculations through...

Measurement and Analysis of Tracfcfifc-Induced Transient Motion in Navigation Channels
Two-induced physical effects related to navigation changes on the Kanawha River, West Virginia were measured at three environmentally sensitive representative locations. The purpose of...

Studies of Hydraulic Jump by the Flow Routing
The high energy of floodwater passing from a reservoir needs to be dissipated to prevent scouring and damage from the dam and other downstream structures. Hydraulic jump is a common way...

Discharge Measurement by Thermal Dilution
A flume study was conducted to develop and improve the thermal dilution method of discharge measurement in trapezodial channels. The study was performed in an indoor channel with dischages...

Measurements of Mean Velocity, Turbulence and Temperature in a Deflected, Heated Water Jet
A submerged heated water jet issuing from a vertical wall into a turbulent flow in a rectangular open channel is investigated experimentally to determine the mean velocity, turbulence...

Drag Characteristics of Spheres in Bingham Fluids
R.W. Ansley and T.N. Smith's type of drag relation can be traced back closely, if not completely, to the Newtonian drag curve. The equivalent diameter for a sphere in a Bingham...

Gas Transfer at the Water Surface: Measurements of Gas Concentration Fluctuations
The paper describes measurements of fluctuating gas (oxygen) concentrations by means of a polarographic microscope near the air-water interface. The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility...

Hydraulic Effects on Swimming Fish in Fish Passage Structures
The implications of profile drag, weight, and buoyant forces on energy and power requirements of fish swimming through fish passage structures are considered. Where hydraulic grade lines...

Flow Through Fish Bypass Intakes
Hydraulic and computational fluid dynamic models were used to investigate the cause of the unequal intake flow distribution observed entering the three vertical intakes of the patented...

Submerged Flow in Parshall Flumes
Recent data collected in a 1-foot Parshall flume located in the Bureau of Reclamation's hydraulic laboratory indicate a significant discontinuity in the discharge/submergence...

Hydrodynamic Dispersion: Estimation and Prediction
The dispersion of dissolved, nonreactive tracers in groundwater is governed by diffusion and advection. A.E. Scheidegger introduced the term dispersivity to describe the effect that a...

A Numerical Solution Technique for Incompressible Flow
Presented is a numerical solution technique which employs the explicit predictor-corrector scheme of R.W. MacCormack in solving the governing two-dimensional equations of motion on a staggered...

An Error Analysis of the Dynamic Wave Model
The Dynamic Wave Operational Model (DWOPER) is used to forecast river stages on the Lower Columbia River. DWOPER was developed by the National Weather Service's Hydrologic...

Partial Area, Variable Source, Rainfall Runoff Model Utilizing Digital Mapping
A partial area, variable source hydrologic rainfall/runoff model, called MAPHYD, was developed utilizing digital maps, interactive computer graphics, and several infiltration mechanisms....





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