Managing Information for Regional Coastal Management in the Gulf of Maine
In December, 1989, the Governors of the three American states and the Premiers of the two Canadian provinces facing the Gulf of Maine signed an historic agreement that will pave the way...

Design and Implementation of a Coastal Resource Geographic Information System: Administrative Considerations
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a data management and information analysis system that allows the capture, synthesis, generation, retrieval, analysis and output of spatial data....

USFWS Selected Geographic Analyses
The geographic information system (GIS) used by the National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been valuable in assisting natural resource managers...

The Application of a Geographical Information System to Resource Management?The UK Offshore Sand and Gravel Case
In the United Kingdom coastal and offshore environments, the extraction of sand and gravel from the seabed requires a high level of professional management, because of the varied and often...

Opportunities in Applied Oceanography in the California Current
Recent developments within the US oceanographic research community and around the world have made it possible to provide ocean and atmosphere information and products in near real time...

Sechelt Inlets Coastal Strategy: Conflict Resolution Using Consensus-Based Planning and Computer G.I.S.
This project was initiated by local government to develop a strategy for the planning and management of coastal resources in an area with a fragile environment, and heavy user demands...

Crab and Salmon Habitat Enhancement in Grays Harbor Estuary, Washington
A description of mitigation for crab losses and reduced salmonid habitat, expected to occur during construction of the Grays Harbor, Washington, Navigation Improvement Project, is presented....

A Study of the Impact of the Dumping of Spoil on Beach Processes
The amenity value of beaches along the North East coast of England is reduced because of the continuing practice of dumping colliery spoil directly onto the beaches for dispersal by the...

3-D Modelling of Suspended Sediment Transport
A three-dimensional finite difference model has been developed for the numerical simulation of the physical process of horizontal and vertical convection, horizontal and vertical diffusion...

Vulnerability of the U.S. to Future Sea Level Rise
The differential vulnerability of the conterminous United States to future sea level rise from greenhouse climate warming is assessed, using a coastal hazards data base. This data base...

Monitoring Absolute Sea Level Change
Global-scale monitoring of sea level change is a key component of the U.S. Global Change Research Program. The NOAA Global Sea Level program incorporates state-of-the-art satellite and...

NOAA CoastWatch: Imagery for Coastal Resource Management and Research
As part of the Coastal Ocean Program, NOAA CoastWatch is developing systems that will provide enchanced near real-time high resolution imagery from meteorological satellites; habitat change...

An Update to CoastWatch?NOAA's New Capability for the Coastal Ocean
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) CoastWatch project was initiated in August 1988 in response to a red tide event off the North Carolina coast....

Satellite Mapped Imagery for CoastWatch
The goal of CoastWatch, an activity within the new Coastal Ocean Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is to provide data and products for near real-time...

A New Approach to Ocean Data Management
Ocean Data Management is the collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of a wide variety of physical, chemical, biological and geological data useful for research purposes in the...

Multiple Use Ocean Management in the U.S.: Toward a New Conceptual Framework
Problems with the sectorally based, largely single-purpose approach to the management of ocean resources and ocean space in the United States have been amply documented in recent years....

Regional Ocean Resources Management
The fluid nature of the ocean environment and the mobility of living ocean resources place obvious limits on the ability of state and federal resource managers to effectively manage based...

Interim Findings of an Ocean Policy Study for the State of Mississippi
In 1989, the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal program received funding from the National Sea Grant Program to produce an Ocean Policy Study for the state of Mississippi. The goals of...

The Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program: Policy Planning and Inter-agency Coordination
The purpose of the Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program has been to make comprehensive policy recommendations on how ocean and coastal resources should be managed and to identify...

Ocean Wave Propagation up a Narrow Channel
The results of a hydraulic model investigation of ocean wave propagation up a narrow channel are reported. Both monochromatic and random waves were used to study the wave characteristics...





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