Urban Runoff Impacts on Receiving Waters
Urban stormwater runoff contaminants affect the principal receiving water uses of: (1) public water supply, (2) recreation, (3) protection of aquatic life forms, (4) agricultural and industrial...

Design and Effectiveness of Urban Retention Basins
Retention basins are recommended by practicing engineers and regulatory agencies for stormwater management in new land developments. They may require considerable space which limits their...

Modeling Human Error in Structural Design and Construction
Human error is recognized as the major cause of structural failure. Moreover, it may greatly exacerbate the damaging effect of other hazards, such as earthquakes. The objectives of this...

Recent Developments in Structural Optimization
This publication contains seven papers that emphasize the recent findings of mathematical formulations, numerical results, and algorithms in structural optimization. Among them, two deal...

Bridging the Joints in Bridges
Most bridges are designed with gaps in them. The cracks allow bridges to expand and contract as the temperature changes. But water can enter these gaps and foul bearings and structural...

Designing for Flow
Geotextiles used for in-plane drainage can carry surprisingly large amounts of water within their structures. These composite drains, known as sheet drains, prefabricated drainage composites...

Designing for Shock Resistance
If a product or structure is subject to shock loadings, and is unable to take them without unacceptable damage, it must be insulated from the shock. The decision may be to redesign the...

Isolating Earthquakes
The Foothills Communities Law and Justice Center in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., is the first U.S. building to rest on base isolators for protection against a possible earthquake of 8.3 Richter....

Spreadsheets: A New Design Tool
New techniques are developing which make computer programming easier. One new technique is spreadsheet programming for microcomputers. Two programs are presented which give a quick overall...

Nuclear Waste Handling and Storage
These papers examine a number of topics related to handling and storage of nuclear wastes and spent fuel as well as some topics related to transportation and long term disposal of nuclear...

Facility Location and Land Use
The Urban/Rural Dilemma
Most land use planning techniques focus on large metropolitan areas, with relatively little attention paid to smaller communities. Recent issues such as nuclear power plant location, water...

Research on Transportation Facilities in Cold Regions
Transportation facilities research in cold regions, reported in this session proceedings, begins with a field study showing that ground surface characteristics have a significant effect...

Pavement Management Systems for Urban Areas
Pavements represent the largest public investment for most urban-area governmental jurisdictions. The magnitude of this investment requires that the expenditure of funds to maintain pavements...

Life Cycle Analysis
Of all the infrastructure elements, pavement performance has probably received more research than any. Similarly, there has been more application of pavement research. The concepts that...

Infrastructure Management and Planning for the City of Seattle
This paper summarizes the current planning effort that the City of Seattle's Engineering Department (SED) is undertaking for Transportation Infrastructure Management. The...

Earth Retention & Noise Absorption Using Evergreen Planted Walls
There is a new concept in wall design used for retaining walls, free standing noise absorbing walls and rock revetments. The Evergreen System is comprised of large prefabricated concrete...

Design of Strontia Springs Arch Dam
The development of the layout and the history of design of the 292 foot (89 m) high Strontia Springs Dam is presented. While a brief description of the general project layout and foundation...

Geology of the Strontia Springs Arch Dam
Precambrian metamorphic gneisses comprised the foundation rock at Strontia Springs Damsite. Geologic exploration at the axis selected for the arch dam revealed a large shear zone which...

Geotechnical Aspects of Strontia Springs Arch Dam
The bedrock at the Strontia Springs damsite consists of generally excellent quality granitic and metamorphic rock, except for a wide shear zone located beneath the dam in the lower valley...

Hydraulic Design of the Strontia Springs Diversion Dam
The hydraulic features which were of primary significance for the project were the diversion tunnel and spillway. The low-level outlet valves and water-supply intake were relatively straight-forward...





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