An Approach for Modeling the Upper Chesapeake Bay
To resolve the bay geometry with a minimum number of grid points, boundary-fitted coordinates are employed. A major question is how to prescribe tidal boundary conditions at the Bay Bridge...

Finite Element Modeling in Free-Surface Hydromechanics
A finite element semi-discrete approximation is applied to the conservation law form of the two-dimensional, depth-averaged free-surface Navier-Stokes equations governing incompressible...

Importance of Density Gradient Terms in Estuaries
In estuaries classified as well-mixed or unstratified, two-dimensional depth averaged models have often been applied with the density considered as constant. Calculations, based on measured...

Flow and Quality Simulation of a Proposed Marina Development
A proposed off-channel marina development on the Sacramento River in California requires landfill in an area that is currently within the flood plain. Two dimensional computer models for...

Predicting Tidal Currents in San Francisco Bay Using a Spectral Model
This paper describes the formulation of a spectral (or frequency based) model which solves the linearized shallow water equations. To account for highly variable basin bathymetry, spectral...

FLDWAV: A Generalized Flood Routing Model
A new unsteady flow simulation model, FLDWAV, has been developed by the National Weather Service for application on either micro-, mini-, or mainframe computers. FLDWAV is based on an...

Evaluation of Diffusion Models for Flood Routing
A study has been conducted to define the range of conditions with respect to hydrographs and channels encountered by SCS engineers in flood plain/flood control projects and to test two...

Flow Field and Bed Topography in River Meanders
A mathematical model is developed for the calculation of flow field and bed topography in curved channels with an erodible bed. A small perturbation approach is used to linearize the governing...

Flood Event Prediction with Movable Bed Model
This study shows the applicability of using a numerical sedimentation model to analyze various problems related to flood-control design in an alluvial river. Problems concerned with maintaining...

Friction Factor and Patterns in Armor Coats
Recent observations of friction factors at armor coat forming discharges suggest the presence of distinct geometric patterns in the locations of the coarsest grains in armor coats. A statistical...

Hydrodynamic Response of an Estuary to Storm Forcing
Previous work on the response/sensitivity of an estuarine hydrodynamic model to the choice of model parameters is extended to include a preliminary consideration of wind-generated waves....

A Simulation Technique for Modeling Flow on Floodplains and in Coastal Wetlands
The system design is premised on a proven, areal two-dimensional, finite-difference flow/transport model which is supported by an operational set of computer programs for input data management...

Two-Dimensional Numerical Flow Models, Built and Used by Civil Engineers
The paper describes the WAQUA system, a series of programs to perform two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality simulations. Long term developments resulted in a successful system...

Twenty Years of Experience in Unsteady Flow Modeling of Open Channels at TVA
Two concerns prompted the development of dynamic methods for flow routings: (a) the safety of the nuclear plants being planned along the Tennessee River in the 1960's and...

A Model of Flow in Regulated Open Channel Networks
A model (NETWORK) is presented for the simulation of unsteady flow in regulated open channel networks. The operation of hydraulic structures, such as gates and weirs, are simulated as...

Physical River Model Results and Prototype Response
The Hydraulics Laboratory of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has performed physical hydraulic model studies on various rivers for nearly 60 years. These studies...

Modeling of a Low Head Hydroelectric Project
In order to shorten the time to develop a hydroelectric project at the Corps of Engineers Hannibal Lock and Dam on the Ohio River for the City of New Martinsville, West Virginia, a turnkey...

One-Dimensional Tidal Circulation Model
A finite-element, one-dimensional numerical model of tidal circulation was developed for estuarine and channel flow applications. The model was designed for the prediction of tide heights...

Simulation and Video Animation of Canal Flushing Created by a Tide Gate
A tide-gate algorithm was added to a one-dimensional unsteady flow model that was calibrated, verified, and used to determine the locations of as many as five tide gates that would maximize...

The BRANCH Model and the Segara Anakan Study
The Lower Citanduy Irrigation Project in Central Java, Indonesia drains through the estuary called Segara Anakan. Due to sediment accretion, the lagoon is filling. With erosion problems,...





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