Field Study of Specialized Bacteria for Nitrification
A full scale field study using specialized bacteria was conducted to determine its effectiveness in achieving nitrification while quantifying dosage rates. A side-by-side comparison of...

Design Considerations and Experiences with VOC Treatment Technologies
This paper presents a review of design considerations and experiences with packed column aeration for removal of volatile organic chemicals (VOC) from groundwater at various locations...

Removal of Phenol from a Brine Aquifer: 2 Years of Operation
The article describes a pilot plant project to biologically treat groundwater polluted with phenols. The treatment scheme was based on laboratory tests, technical and economic analysis....

Unit Operations Approach in Exposure/Release Evaluation for New Chemicals
The unit operations approach may also be applied to the estimation of potential exposure and release of toxic materials from the manufacture and/or processing of new chemicals. By characterizing...

Large Scale ABF Mode Proves to be an Innovative Alternative for the City of Memphis
The article describes a modification carried out to overcome overloading of wastewater treatment plant at Memphis. The plant was originally constructed as a contact stabilization activated...

Biological Removal of Low Levels of Chlordane
This study investigated the removal of chlordane from a synthetic hazardous waste landfill leachate with chlordane as the only hazardous material. The chlordane concentrations investigated...

Computer Modeling of Collection Systems for Sulfide Evaluation (abstract)
An overview of two computer models and a nomograph model for sulfide prediction is presented. The first program, 'SULF. BAS', is a Basic Language computer model...

Mixing and Polymer Performance in Sludge Dewatering
A biofilm reactor, termed the support-aerated biofilm (SAB), was developed in which oxygen was supplied to the interior of the biofilm through a permeable membrane. The reactor was tested...

Leaching Characteristics of Metal Finishing Sludges
The purpose of this research was to study the feasibility of biodegrading phenolics to methane by thermophilic anaerobic treatment. The study was a feasibility level assessment which examined...

Studies of Long-Term Water Losses
The water-loss time series are formulated for the studied watersheds in the Ohio River Basin through the use of the law of water balance to the system inputs and corresponding outputs....

An Integrated Conceptual Expert System for Flood and Water Pollution Management
One particularly practical role for an expert system (ES) is as an interface between a complex computer model and an inexperienced user or novice. The software is applied to the USEPA...

River Basin Network Model for Conjunctive Use of Surface and Groundwater
A generalized river basin computer model called CONSIM is presented for management of the conjunctive use of surface and subsurface storage in an interconnected stream-aquifer system....

Agricultural Drainage Water Treatment?Are Toxic Elements Useful?
The problems pertaining to disposing of agricultural drainage water in the San Joaquin Valley are explained. Details are presented on a pilot plant which is pretreating the drainage water...

Design for Comuputer-Aided Water Resource Planning
This paper discusses an integrated approach to computerizing the major functions of regulatory agencies involved in water resource planning and water quality protection. This integrated...

Co-ordinated Microcomputer-Based Rain Data Network and Modeling Environment
A co-ordinated microcomputer controlled rainfall collection network has been designed which includes drop counting precipitation sensors, tipping bucket raingauges, Z80-A microprocessor...

Linking Data Base Management and Computer Models
Storing, tabulating, and graphing large volumes of data, not usually a strong point of a computer model, is more appropriate for a data base management system. A blend of these two technologies,...

Stochastic Design of Wastewater Storage Ponds
The authors combine the principle of mass conservation with basic ideas from probability theory and then apply Monte Carlo simulation techniques to develop a family of design charts called...

Real-Time Precipitation-Snowmelt Model for the Monongahela River Basin
The Pittsburgh District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, is responsible for operating two multipurpose reservoirs in the 7400 square mile Monongahela Basin, which is located in Pennsylvania,...

The Rx for Relief from Equipment Failure
A predictive maintenance program was developed for a treatment plant with a large number of pieces of critical mechanical equipment. Using an inexpensive, portable vibration meter, data...

Central Arizona Project Startup
The Central Arizona Project is a water conveyance scheme, lifting and conveying Colorado River water from Lake Havasu on the Colorado River 190 miles to Phoenix and another 150 miles to...





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