NOAA Weather Radio: The Source of Weather Information 24 Hours a Day
Weather plays an important role in the day to day affairs of coastal communities. The timely and accurate receipt of weather information is critical, especially during inclement conditions....

The Importance of Large Landsat Data Sets for Isolating Sediment Resuspension Processes
An optical density analysis of Landsat film transparencies would show spatial variations of suspended sediment concentrations. The residual optical density profile inversely shows above...

St. George Harbor?A Berm Breakwater Solution in Alaska's Bering Sea
The berm breakwater concept is based on the premise that locally available materials should be used in breakwater construction to the largest degree possible. By looking at failure dynamics...

Properties of Tin-Mined Land in Mangrove Forest, Thailand
Although mangrove forests occupy a very small area of Thailand, they contribute not only an ecosystem but also large tin ore deposits. Two provinces in the South, Ranong and Phangnga,...

Beach Nourishment at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: An Overview
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the Myrtle Beach nourishment project as it proceeded from the geotechnical evaluation of potential borrow sands, to permitting and design, and...

Survival of Seagrass Plugs: Mechanical Harvesting
During the spring of 1985 a mechanical technique for harvesting seagrasses was developed in order to salvage large quantities of seagrass materials that were to be destroyed by a 4. 2...

Modeling Applications in Coastal Engineering
This paper discusses physical and numerical models of coastal processes as applied to coastal and ocean engineering projects. Some of the concepts and principles of modelling are identified...

Spatial and Temporal Variability of Drilling Reserve Pit Fluids on the North Slope (abstract)
Reserve pits are constructed in connection with drilling activities to provide a convenient and safe disposal site for waste drilling muds and cuttings. During the winter months at Prudhoe...

Natural Stabilization of an Eroded Permafrost Site
The paper referred to in this abstract discusses the erosional processes during and after the initial failure, proposed solutions to repair and stabilize the site, and details of the performance...

OTEC: At the Brink of Commercial Reality?
The development of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) has traditionally been a question of technological feasibility and economics. Recent research and design developments, however,...

A Benthic Environmental Evaluation Protocol for a New Municipal Marine Outfall
Concurrent with siting studies to relocate a 72 mgd secondary outfall diffuser in deep water (200 meters), the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle initiated a three year baseline study...

REMOTS?: Reconnaissance of Benthic Environments
REMOTS(REGISTERED TRADEMARK) technology, a combination of sediment-profile photography and computer image analysis, was developed to address shortcomings in traditional benthic sampling...

Using Multi-Attribute Analysis to Establish Marine Pollution Research Priorities
The paper discusses how techniques like multi-attribute analysis, when used in workshops or surveys, can be most effectively applied to enriching the informational basis for future agency...

Guidelines for Reporting of Environmental Contaminant Data
To evaluate long-term temporal and large scale spatial trends in the absence of long-term monitoring programs, it is necessary to use data composited from other surveys and research projects....

Chronic Marine Pollution: A Maine Case Study
The State of Maine has adopted the concept of cumulative impact in assessing the environmental impact of coastal development projects and resulting discharges to coastal waters. In the...

New Tools for Economic Evaluation of Channel Deepening Projects
The Institute for Water Resources has developed a data base to facilitate economic evaluation of channel deepening projects. After extensive research, data elements were selected from...

Quantifying Chemicals in Coastal Environments
Because management and regulation is largely based on numerical chemical data, understanding of the process, products and limitations of environmental chemical analysis is critical for...

Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity (CARICOMP): A Regional Laboratory Network
The CARICOMP (Caribbean Coastal Marine Productivity) project began with a workshop in 1982. Marine scientists from 12 Caribbean nations gathered to consider the factors controlling the...

Comparing Results of Wave Data from Two Recorders
In this paper two sets of wave measurements made in the same region using a pressure transducer and a wave rider bouy are compared. The same methods of analysis were applied to both the...

Dispersion of Coal Particles at the Sea Floor
Due to coal unloading, certain quantities of this material arrive at the sea floor, and may pollute the beaches. This study provides a theoretical analysis and numerical simulations of...





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