Behavior and Strength of Stub-Girder Floor Systems
The paper presents a detailed evaluation of the behavior and strength characteristics of the stub-girder floor system. This is a composite girder and beam structure that integrates the...

Proposed Design Criteria for Composite Steel Deck Slabs
Composite steel deck slabs have continued to gain popularity; today they are one of the predominant means of floor slab construction in most typical buildings. The term 'composite...

Design and Testing of a 400 Ft Span Plate Girder Bridge
The paper describes design features and testing of the Madawaska River Bridge. The bridge is unique in being the longest span plate girder bridge in Ontario, having continuous spans of...

Composite Bridge Design in Germany
A span length between 40 m and 12 m has been regarded as optimal up to the mid-60's for a composite design to compete with prestressed concrete or steel alternatives. With...

Recent Developments in Mixed Steel-Concrete Systems
Mixed steel-concrete systems have emerged into a well established new system that can be used as readily as either steel or concrete systems for high-rise buildings. Mixed systems offer...

Seismic Capacity Evaluation of SRC Buildings
The Japanese standard for seismic capacity evaluation of existing composite steel and reinforced concrete (SRC) buildings was introduced. As it developed, based on the previously established...

Composite and Mixed Construction in Czechoslovakia
Various composite and mixed systems have been used in Czechoslovakia. Special attention is focused on design methods, effective construction, and material savings. Current developments...

Seismic Strengthening of Existing RC Buildings
Seismic strengthening of existing reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings by the use of steel braces or panels was studied experimentally. A special joint between steel elements and the...

Checking Off CADD Priorities
Diving head on into new computer aided design and drafting (CADD) hardware and software without considering their effects on firm or university's operation is as bad as ignoring...

New Pavement from Old Concrete
Recycling portland cement concrete has gained momentum as an alternative to resurfacing aging highway and airfield pavements. Recycling cuts down rawmaterial requirements, reduces the...

Implementation of a Micro-CADD System
Computer-aided-design-and-drafting (CADD) systems utilize computer technology to aid the engineer in his work. CADD systems are designed to process graphics with speed and accuracy to...

Water Distribution Design with Multiple Demands
An iterative procedure for the layout and design of new looped water distribution systems is pesented. The procedure is also applicable to the expansion of existing systems. The approach...

Practical Optimization of Looped Water Systems
This paper describes one tool that might be part of a package to assist a design engineer in sizing pipes, determining ideal locations for booster pumps and their heads, determining heads...

OPNET: A Nonlinear Design Algorithm for Hydraulic Networks
The author has developed a general computer program OPNET to be used in the optimal design of hydraulic networks. The computer program can be used to optimize three basic variables; tank...

Computerized Design and Selection of Pumping Systems
Three computer models have been applied in the evaluation, design and selection of a high-lift pump station upgrading program developed for the City of Poughkeepsie, New York. The three...

Integrated Design Methodology for Urban Stormwater Detention Facilities
The objective of this paper is to present the core of a design methodology that avoids the pitfalls of the design storm concept by using a microcomputer algorithm to estimate the long-term...

Storm Sewer Computer-Aided Design and Uncertainty
A micro-computer based storm drainage model is presented which facilitates urban storm sewer design on fast tracked construction projects. The model is an interactive Basic program using...

Computer Aided Design Using CORPS
The Hydraulic Analysis Division, Hydraulics Laboratory, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has the responsibility for developing and disseminating hydraulic guidance for...

Risk-Cost Analysis and Spillway Design
The NRC's recent report on dam safety proposes risk cost analysis to help select among alternative spillway modifications for existing dams. This paper examines the sensitivity...

Hydraulic Profile Computation Using CADD
The data preparation can also be performed by directly recording onto a computer tape the aerial survey cross section ground points and the field survey work. A computer program can then...





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