Overtopping Protection for A. R. Bowman Dam
Arthur R. Bowman Dam is a 245-foot-high (74.7-m) central-core rockfill dam located on the Crooked River in central Oregon. The probable maximum flood (PMF) would overtop the dam by 20...

Design of Groins on the Middle Rio Grande
The Albuquerque Projects Office of the Bureau of Reclamation wanted to use groins in place of revetments at two sites on the Rio Grande. The Bureau of Reclamation has limited experience...

Preventing Stilling Basin Abrasion
A 1:10 scale physical hydraulic model of Taylor Draw Dam outlet works was used to develop modifications to prevent back flow intake of rock into the stilling basin. Much of the back flow...

Submerged Vane Projects for Bank Stabilization and Sedimentation Management
Submerged vanes are small flow training devices placed in a stream to eliminate or create secondary currents to direct sediment in a controlled fashion. In recent years submerged vanes...

Hatchie River and Schoharie Creek Bridge Failures
Within a 2-year period two large bridges collapsed into flooded rivers resulting in a total of 18 people plunging to their deaths. Both bridges had been inspected by probing, but had not...

Bridge Scour Vulnerability Assessment
Although the failure of the New York Throughway bridge over Schoharie Creek in 1987 has focused national attention on scour related failures, other failures reinforce the need for implementing...

Model Tests for the Evaluation of Auto-Venting Hydroturbines
The most significant environmental problem for many hydroelectric facilities is the water quality of turbine discharges. The primary water quality problem is often low dissolved oxygen...

Experimental Difficulties Encountered in Testing Air/Water Mixtures
The Tennessee Valley Authority and Voith Hydro, Inc., are conducting a joint research project to study the effects of air admission on hydraulic turbines. Francis turbine models, homologous...

Modeling of Wetland Hydrodynamics and Transport in Coastal Louisiana
Modeling of hydraulics and transport of large wetland systems poses critical decisions between resolution of the complex geometry of a wetland and the testing required to meet study goals....

TABS-2 Application to Kawainui Marsh Flood Control
The TABS-2 mathematical modeling system was used to evaluate the effectiveness of alternatives designed to eliminate flooding problems in the Kawainui Marsh located in Kailua on the east...

The Design of Scour-Safe Bridges
Two new highway systems, the East Papago and the Pima freeways, are currently under design and construction within the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area. Both of these highways will...

Energy Losses Due to Air Admission in Hydroturbines
Admission of air at the exit of a hydroturbine runner is an attractive technique for raising dissolved oxygen levels downstream of a hydro plant. The air admission, however, is generally...

Numerical Modeling of Air/Water Mixtures for Internal Flows
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) currently is working with several organizations to develop design tools for the aerating hydroturbine. Part of this effort includes the investigation...

Efficiency and Cavitation Effects of Hydroturbine Venting
Volkart and Bohac et al. have summarized much of the past work on aeration of hydroturbine releases to improve downstream water quality. Conventional alternatives for increasing dissolved...

Design of High Capacity Spillways for Ritschard Dam, Colorado
A hydraulic model investigation was conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation to assist in designing the hydraulic structures associated with Ritschard Dam. Ritschard Dam will have a labyrinth...

Dam Break Analysis for a Series of Dams Using the HEC-1 and DAMBRK Computer Programs
The HEC-1 and DAMBRK computer programs were developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) [3] and by the National Weather Service (NWS) [4], respectively....

Gravitational Circulation in a Tidal Strait
Eight months of continuous measurements of tidal current profiles with an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) were made in Carquinez Strait, California, during 1988 for the purpose...

River Dike Design Using a Numerical Model Approach
The preliminary design of a dike field at Redeye Crossing on the Mississippi River (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) is discussed. The TABS-2 modeling system was used to develop a two dimensional...

Effects of Fine Sediment Intrusion on Spawning Gravel in Southeast Alaska
The supply of sediment to forest streams in Southeastern Alaska is related to the inherent instabilities of landforms, stream channels and the effects of logging practices. Debris avalanches,...

Existing U.S. Standards in Hydraulic Engineering
The Task Committee on Recommendations for Standards in Hydraulics confined itself to topics that are used in hydraulic computations or design. Thus numerous standards related to size,...





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