Stormwater Management Policies for Two Urbanizing Communities in Western Suburban Cleveland
The cities of North Ridgeville and Avon Lake, Ohio are two western suburbs of Cleveland. The recent completion of the interstate highway, I-480, the resurgence of Lake Erie as a prime...

The Managemet of Storm Water Runoff Associated with Industrial Activity
Section 405 of the Water Quality Act of 1987 mandates that municipal and industrial storm water discharges are point sources of water pollution and are subject to regulation under the...

Stormwater Quality Issues for Jefferson Parish
Jefferson Parish has a unique set obstacles to overcome in the operation of the drainage system. Situated in a coastal area and surrounded by water, the area has been developed through...

Source Identification and Ranking of Wet Weather Discharges in an Urban Area
A study has recently been completed to characterize the pollutant loadings to the Providence River, RI during wet weather conditions. A total of 11 land based sampling stations including...

Evaluation of Stormwater and CSO Impact on Portland's Columbia Slough
A team of consultants studied the impacts of stormwater and combined sewer overflows on an urban drainageway to determine if increased beneficial stream uses were attainable. Planning-level...

Integration of an ARC/INFO GIS with HEC-1
A hypothetical watershed was constructed to test the efficacy of using an ARC/INFO Geographic Information System to provide input for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-1 hydrologic...

Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems Planning and Implementation
The paper describes the approach taken to develop infrastructure rehabilitation procedures for Water Distribution Systems. Early research attempted to develop a mains condition oriented...

A Decision Support System for Water Supply Costing
Accurate cost estimates for water supply system expansions are an important component of the planning process. A spreadsheet-based cost estimating model called SWFCOST was developed as...

Propagating Buckles in Deep-Water Pipelines
A procedure is presented for the analysis of propagating buckles in deep-water pipelines. Results pertaining to quasistatic and dynamic buckles are summarized and compared with available...

Laboratory Study of Wave-Current Interactions
Laboratory experiments confirmed the non-breaking blocking of waves by strong adverse current. Data failed to confirm the conservation of action flux....

Numerical Solutions for Transient and Nearly Periodic Waves in Shallow Water
This paper presents a study of several numerical methods for solving transient (time-dependent) model equations for waves in shallow water by means of the method of lines. The physical...

On the Transformation of Wave Spectra by Currents and Bathymetry
Application of the conservation principle for action spectral density along rays, frequently described in literature, is not sufficient to specify the refracted wave spectrum. In order...

Wave Shoaling on Uniform Currents
The purposes of this paper are to investigate the characteristics of waves coexisting with uniform currents on a sloping bottom. The theoretical calculations of the third order approximation...

Boundary Element Calculation of Nonlinear Wave Generation and Wave Current Interactions
A boundary element model is used to simulate the problem of nonlinear wave generation, and the interactions of wave and current. The numerical model is established based on the potential...

Extracting Dynamics from Ocean Wave Time Series Data
Recent developments in chaotic dynamics have indicated that qualitative information of a dynamical system can be extracted from the observation of a single time series as the time series...

Stability of Nearly Breaking Long Waves
This paper addresses the development of equations for nonlinear dispersive waves that have improved stability properties over the commonly used Boussinesq-type equations. Boussinesq-type...

The Influence of the Viscosity on the Progressive Waves
In a stationary atmosphere, the free-surface progressive wave motion in a real fluid of uniform depth is analysed by using Navier-Stokes equation, and its mechanism is described in first-order...

Comparative Performance of Spectral and Parametric Numerical Wave Prediction Models in Lake Michigan
Four different numerical wave prediction models are used to hindcast wave conditions in Lake Michigan for a 10 day case in October, 1988. Results are compared to observed wave height and...

Wave Calculation Using WAM Model and NMC Wind
The CYCLE 2 version of the WAM (Wave Model) model is used to hinfcast global ocean wave spectra, using the NMC (National Meteorological Center) winds, for a period of about 60 days. The...

A Turbulence Model for Transverse Mixing in Rivers
A two length-scale turbulence model is developed to simulate transverse mixing prosesses in rivers. The dispersion of the effluent from the MUC (Montreal Urban Community) sewage treatment...





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